overclocking pc2700 with divider


Mar 16, 2003
Hi everyone, I have a stick of crucial pc2700, and a p4 2.2 cpu. My multiplier is locked at 17. No matter what settings I adjust, I can only run it at 166 FSB if my divider is set to 4:3. At 1:1, it isn't stable, only runs Prime95 for a few minutes. Newbie question but, is it better to use the full potential of my ram 1:1 and just run it at CPU stock FSB, 133, or is performance better to run it at 166FSB with the 4:3 divider, which makes my memory run not as much as it is supposed to? Thanks.


Golden Member
Feb 20, 2000
It would really depend on how ur benchies turn out. Try running SiSoft and run the memory to see. Usually though the higher FSB does better than the lower timings, especially considering you're increasing ur CPU speed by 561 mhz. I'd go with the lowered memory and higher bus. Also, try 166mhz FSB with lower timings (like 8-3-3-3) since urs is PC2700, it should run 166 with lower timings.


Senior member
Jul 13, 2002
Set your memory to 2.5/3/3/7 and see how far you can push the CPU.Once you know how far your CPU goes you can play around with the timings but you will have to drop a few FSB with faster memory timings.Also try and raise your memory voltage to 2.8,you will get more out of it.It could be your ram isn't very good also.Your better off running 1:1 if you can.Try what I mentioned above.Whats your vcore voltage at?.