Overclocking Overlords! I Ask A Boon Of Thee...

Feb 12, 2002
I'd like a few specific tips/opinions on overclocking my A7N8X/2400+, but first, let me get the annoying informative bit out of the way:
- A7N8X (1002 final BIOS, Uber)(nVidia driver pack, Jan30)
- AMD 2400+
- Swiftech 462+ w/Vantec Tornado
- ATI 9700 (v1.3, BIOS 8004)(Catalyst 62.55's w/o refresh caps)
- 2x256 Samsung PC3200
- TTGI 520w PSU
- 2xWD 8000JB attached to...
- High Point RocketRAID PCI card
- Audigy 2 (w/December driver updates)
- Microsoft USB keyboard/mouse( ! motherboard resource )
- heatsinks on North/Southbridge and memory
- Win XP SP1+/DX9
- ALL "integrated peripherals" turned off except for nVidia LAN

This post was originally meant for Prometheus, after seeing what he's accomplished (http://service.futuremark.com/compare?2k1=5551882), but in the end, I decided that this warranted a wider intelligence base.
In any case...I've gotta tell you, it's been so long since I've overclocked an AMD system (successfully)(I'm gun-shy about manually unlocking my CPU's) that I was literally *shaking* when I began experimenting this morning with my FSB/clock frequency! And, to be honest, I didn't think that the BIOS/mobo had unlocked the clocks on this chip anyway. You already know the answer...yup!
Anyway, I had a few questions...
[1] Juicing 1.85 volts into that poor wee processor (ouch!), will bring the temperature to what? (With my Swiftech/Tornado on top, I'm getting 60c with only 1.75 volts!):eek: (stock being 47c @ 1.65)
[2] I started out (prior to knowing that I could lower the clocks) with just a straight 150 FSB increase and a 1.75 juice to the CPU, which gave me a comfortable 2.25 Ghz. If I maintain that 2.25 Ghz limit, regardless of how high my FSB goes (or how low my clocks go), shouldn't I be able to run smoothly with the same 1.75 volts that was working at 150/15? (I ask because at 150/15 *and* 166/13.5 I am fine, but when I tried 180/12.5, my rig froze up in BIOS !)(I was planning on working my way up to 200/11.)
[3] What are the upper limits in temps for the 2400+? If you'd shown me any AMD proc (from Palomino on back) with 60c temps, I'd show you a charcoal briquette. After I'd recovered from my fainting, that is!
[4] What's the highest (STABLE) overclock for the 9700 with the half-a$$ed stock cooling (like I've got)? What are some good after-market kits for air-cooling the 9700? (I usually take an Alpha PEP 66 [http://www.alphanovatech.com/c_pep66e_photo.html] for the GPU [w/some Arctic Thermal Epoxy] and a hacked up ThermalTake Memory cooling kit for the BGA chips)
[5] What kind of memory are you using? I've got 2 x 256 Samsung PC3200 that may or may not actually be Samsung...(OCZ, anyone?) (But I am saving pennies for a couple of matched Corsair PC3200's)
As I say, I'm shooting for 200/11 with what I've got, so any and all comments, criticisms and conundrums are warmly welcomed by me and all the other not-so-experienced OC-ers.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2002
I can help with #2. I had an unlocked t-bird a while back, and noticed that you will need more CPU voltage with low multiplier and high FSB than you will with the stock multiplier at the same speed.

Also, your temps seem pretty high for such great cooling. Your motherboard might by reporting the temps wrong, (my Abit is off by around 10 C) also make sure your Swifty is making good contact with the CPU (I found the a little extra tightening did result in lower temps on my setup, but you may wanna get a shim) and a good thin application of Artic Silver.

As for ram, I am very happy with my OCZ EL DDR 433. It's cheaper than the Corsair, and is running DDR 433 CAS2-6-3-3 on 2.6 volts.

Good luck, and have some fun now that your performance is back in line!