Overclocking old AMD Duron (Spitfire)


Junior Member
Jun 8, 2008
I've read on places on the internet, that the Duron can overclock pretty well, just not through the FSB. I can unlock the multiplier on it, but I'm not sure if my motherboard will let me change it. I'm using a Biostar M7VKD motherboard.

I just found this website (http://www.ocinside.de/go_e.ht...keta/xp_painting.html), and it tells me I can change the multiplier without the motherboard, but I'm not sure if thats the best way to go.

BTW this is my main computer, so try not to make me break it ;)


Mar 8, 2008
Well I gave my sister a Athlon rig with a motherboard based on a very similar chipset as yours. I have an Abit KT7A-Raid which is based on the Via KT133A chipset.

It doesnt overclock much on the FSB but can switch the multiplier. My Athlon was a Thunderbird clocked at 900MHz so it was a tad bit different. I was able to rise the Multi from 9x to 10.5x with a little Vcore bump, but could not get it past a 11x multiplier no matter what. After raising the Multi and FSB, I was able to get that 900MHz Athlon up to around 1075MHz stable at 1.8v. The biggest problem I had was the 100MHz Value ram I was using.


Senior member
Nov 30, 2003
Yeah the PCI and AGP bus speeds will probably be increased if you move the FSB, best to stick with the multiplier. If the mobo isn't able to change it directly you should be able to unlock it with the old #2 pencil trick... assuming it works with Durons and not just Tbirds.


Junior Member
Jun 8, 2008
Originally posted by: Twsmit
Yeah the PCI and AGP bus speeds will probably be increased if you move the FSB, best to stick with the multiplier. If the mobo isn't able to change it directly you should be able to unlock it with the old #2 pencil trick... assuming it works with Durons and not just Tbirds.

Will a 2B pencil work?

Also would I need to increase the voltage?


Platinum Member
Mar 22, 2006
Woah, I had to check the date on the post because I thought I'd entered a time warp. Takes me back to 2001 when everyone on AMDzone was raving about pencil modding their Spitfires and Thunderbirds.

Back then, pencil modding my Duron 750 (Spitfire) - yes a 2B pencil works - gave access to a few other multipliers. 9.5x100 was stable but 10.0x100 required a volt mod (2B pencil again). Then I got to play with a better motherboard (KT133A instead of the poor KT133), and simply ran it at 7.5x133 (i.e. back at default multiplier with the stable 133 FSB).


Senior member
Feb 5, 2001
Also dont forget to keep it cool.

There is a 1Ghz Tbird for $22 and if the MB supports XPs there is a $46 on Pricewatch.com

In all save your money for something a lot more up to date and in the meantime practice OC'ing.