Originally posted by: QuixoticOne
I would NEVER crank the voltages until I was SURE it couldn't do better
at stock voltages, and even then I'd have to be PRETTY SURE there were
substantial gains to be made with higher voltages.
e.g. some RAM gets ZERO or NEGATIVE benefit from overvolting.
Maybe you have an especially good CPU or RAM set.. it might run far beyond
stock speed even at or below stock volts, so I'd see what I could get at stock
volts first.
For "burn in" I'd probably run EVERYTHING at STOCK speed/volts for at least 2-3
days just to make sure there's nothing flaky / defective about the hardware or
its configuration, get a feel for PSU stability, temperatures, etc. since that's my
baseline info. for overclocking.
Then I'd find how high frequency I could go on stock volts for one thing at a time
e.g. keep CPU low, max out RAM.
Then I'd keep RAM low speed and max out the CPU.
Then knowing the CPU and RAM individual limits, I'd pick the best
multiplier set that was a good compromise from getting the most out
of the CPU and RAM at reasonable volts and frequency for both.
Originally posted by: SerpentRoyal
Originally posted by: jjsole
Originally posted by: SerpentRoyal
C2Ds are quite happy with 1.45Vcore. Per my post, I don't stress test until 3.1GHz. Always keep an eye on the CPU temperature when you run Orthos. 10 min Orthos Large mode with <65C under Coretemp is 100% safe.
I don't stress test until > 3ghz either, but then again its a 3ghz cpu.

With your cpu at 1.45v, what's your abit northbridge and ram at?
Stock voltage 1.25 with E4300. RAM on 1:125 divider @ 480MHz/5-4-4-9-2T. Only needed 1.30 when I run the E6320 above 450MHz FSB.