Overclocking for a newb


Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
Okay well i finall build my system:
MSI Neo2 Platium Nforce 3 Ultra
3200 AMD 90 nm 939 socket
1.0 gig of 3200 corsair ddr

Okay I just have the stock bios. Whenever I try overclocking the cpu, changing the fsb from 200 which it is normally, to say 210. Whenever I change it, the computer seems to take a lot longer to boot, and when I clock it to high say 240, windows then says it is missing registry files. So I was wondering how can I overclock so it can run normally and so that windows doesnt lose its registry files.


Senior member
Nov 3, 2004
ensure teh hard drive is plugged into sats ports 3 or 4 cause 1 and 2 arent locked and can cause data corruption when oc'ed, make sure the ram is good with memtest or something of the sort, if the ram cant handle higher speeds set a divider


Platinum Member
Jun 29, 2004
Originally posted by: AristoV300
You need memory that is rated to run at a higher speed, like PC-4000 or higher.

You don't with an A64, but if you're going to run at higher speeds you need to lower the speed of your RAM with a divider. Your board may note these as the 100, 133, and 166 RAM speed settings (divide each by 200 to find the decimal ratio; you can quickly convert to a fraction if you have something like a TI-83). Also ensure your SATA drives are on locked SATA ports (if applicable), and that as you increase the HTT you lower the HT multiplier (the total HT speed shouldn't go far over 1000).