Overclocking and stressing the CPU causes video card fan to spin up?


Oct 30, 2007
So today I started OCing my CPU, currently I am running P95 on my Q6600 at 3.0ghz. Everything seems normal so far, except that around 30 mins into running P95, my 8800GT fan starts spinning much faster. I looked in Rivatuner (which for some odd reasons the settings never seem to stick in) and I noticed fan speed was on "auto" which odd because I always put it on fixed 50% as the default at startup. Now sometimes it comes off this setting for no apparent reasons, but it is usually at "Fixed 29%" then or something. My videocard temps are still low, so even if it was still on auto, there would be no reason for it to spin up. Not only that, but when I try to adjust it back down to something else in Rivatuner it seems to have no effect, the fan just keeps on spinning. I have no idea what's going on, any help?