"i just cant do it captian, I DONT HAVE THE POWER!!!"
sounds like you need more voltage
but dont kill your card and be an ( Y ) and try to RMA it.
if you persue the route of Volt modding/ bios modding/flashing. do a LOT of research first. it is relatively simple and has been done by many. with a daring few pushing their GTs from 1.3 volts to the Ultra Extremes 1.5, with even a few more dual cascade coolers hardmodding another .25 to try and hit 500 on the core.
if youre worried about breaking it, DONT DO IT!! you can ALREADY run at ultra speeds with less voltage so be happy. it might not last as long though.... if youre going to OC it to ultra speeds anyway, you should at least bump the voltage to match.
Read at your own risk,