Originally posted by: bozack
Originally posted by: kage69
In case some of you trolls haven't gotten it yet, this thread was created for discussion of Outfoxed. Spare me the party-to-party analysis and blanket generalizations. If you haven't seen it, by default you have nothing to contribute so take your thread crapping elsewhere.
oh I am sorry, so only Fox bashing and "Outfoxed" pole smoking is allowed in here...my bad.
EDIT for Patboy...
CNN tonight, watching Lou Dobbs, piece on stock market started discussing how an outsourcing company in India on their first day out started off very very well, then went on to say that some businesses over there had to shut down for some reason (linked to the market) and Dobbs said to the correspondant "Woah wonder how dell will feel about that? won't they be worried?" to which the correspondant replied "But think of all the savings, the one day of shutdown is worth it don't you think?" and Dobbs replied "No, not at all and neither do Americans across the country"....
now while that is mild, to me it is seemingly interjected to make a point and one which assists the lefts cause, also I find it funny that he speaks on behalf of "America" the same america that bitches about outsourcing and walmart but also buys stuff for the cheapest they can...
1.yeah, youre right. that seems very unprofessional. i would like to see a full-on context of it. and was it during a "news" segment or was it the analysis bits? just curious.
2.ive actually read that while the majority of reports tend to be liberal on most social issues they tend to fall the other way on economic policy for the simple fact that they are pretty secure and necessary (the reporters we see on CNN, FOX, etc anyway)
but thats sort of irrelevant right now. for what we are discussing, i mean.
3.about moveon.org. i saw them mentioned in the credits. i can check again to see under what heading. i think they were just "thanked" but dont hold me to that. members who worked on the doc could also be part of that organization. i can try and look it up when i have the time.
4.about o'reilly, here is the link i was talking about.
some may have qualms with the source but...i dont know. he hasnt denied it or responded to this or any other charges that he basically manipulates and makes stuff up all the time. and the sources tend to be legit. im guessing he just ignores the info. but i have read so much that are just compilations of direct quotes (in full transcripts) that he says that contradicts himself from day to day. i think the reason the "credible" sources dont pick up on it is because no one takes him seriously. i could be wrong though.
edited for adding numbers to make it easier for me to follow myself and to respond to older things Bo said that i missed.
i think you are right. im generally comparing it to network news and print. most of my news i get from written sources. i live near ny so, you can see where i get the news from physically. but i read too many sources to even begin to remember online throughout the day.
i dont think fox should be the only station to throw up red flags and i dont blame them for being popular. i just think they are just super-sneaky about some things and they seem to be very aware of it. i think their rise in popularity as set the tone for cable news, sadly. remember when msnbc changed their format to compete? oy! ever since then i cant watch cable news for too long without getting ill.
i also agree that people should do their own research and not have to be spoon-fed stuff. but damn, we both know the majority of people arnt. and i just wish a little icon to say "EDITORIAL!" would pop up. obviously, my desire has nothing to do with what does and will happen ever. im young, i still have hope for some stuff.