HankD, FastEddieG:
If you had read the thread before, you would have realized that some people considered it a hot deal. The reason it was lost guys, was because there were some problems with the server, so all posts posted during some period of time today were losts. Including that original thread. Why don't you guys lay off and let the moderators do their jobs? What do you guys benefit from flaming someone else's post? Heck if he made a mistake, at least he tried...
Future... here's what you wrote in that linked page that was not in the original thread that would get this post banned: "Let me know if you will be buying the car, so I can get my referral money."
NO REFERRAL's... otherwise, everything from the original thread would have been alright...
Since the original thread was lost, here are the links again to Acura-TL forum/sites that would be of interest to owners and anyone looking in on this deal.
And here's the deal for that RL for $32.5k. I'm pretty sure it's a new car and not used. If it is indeed new, this would definitely be a hot deal!
Whoops just saw that Future already linked to those two above sites on his page...
Lastly, as originally stated in the lost thread, the Acura TL Type S, similar to the CL Type S will make its debut at the Detroit Auto Show on January 8th. Production starts in February and the car will be available in March. Some dealerships have already taken preorders. Both the base and Type S model will get some minor exterior restyling.
update: ILAsoft... chill out

, no mod deleted the original thread, no reason to really. They would have just locked it... go check the FORUM ISSUES forum and read Anand's post!