OT: Telocity Rant


Platinum Member
Oct 23, 2000
Until recently, I had not been too dissatisfied with my Telocity service. I could only obtain download speeds at about half of what my friends were. They were using Prodigy and SBC and all distances were within a couple hundred cable feet of each other. I was happy enough because I had no start up fee, month to month service, a lower rate and a static ip.

In mid-may I moved to my new apartment and Telocity informed me that dsl was a phone number based service, and as long as I kept my same phone number my dsl service would be ready to go at the new place. I'm sure that most of you know (and I should have researched) this was not the case. I called them a few days after moving in and they tell me I need to disconnect my account and start a new one. Since acquired by DirectTV their rates have increased and I was not going to start a new account. Once disconnected I was going to jump on the student rate SBC has for $37.95 a month.

So here it is a month later. My account has not been disconnected, I have only been able to speak to a billing representive (the only representatives that can disconnect an account) once and today I got billed for the month of internet service that I never received. I'm sure they are not going to get in a big hurry anytime soon, so the only way I have to get the SBC service is to obtain a new phone number which is roughly a $40 fee. Even if I did this I'm not sure it would be set up in time for the deal that ends June 30th.

Needless to say, this is absolutely the worst Customer Service experience that I have ever had. I highly discourage anyone from using them. Their month to month plan isn't useful if you can't disconnect it. If you made it through this rant, I'm sorry you had to hear it. I'm not usually one to b!tch.