Originally posted by: dmcowen674
Originally posted by: ViRGE
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
With all the activity so markedly increased around the entire ring of fire, it is looking like California is very close to a quake at least the size of Northridge, Coalinga or the Oakland quakes most likely this year.
You can't predict quakes, Dave.
Anything that happens now or in the past has virtually no impact(or at least, a recognizable pattern of impact) on future quakes.
The best that can be done is very generic predictions of periodic quakes(i.e. you're due for a quake around every 200 years).
I sure can't but animals can tell up to 8 hrs ahead of a quake.
Pattern wise can tell flare ups that certainly gives a better warning than 200 yrs.
First the other side (Tsunami area) rocked and settled down, then it was time for U.S. side to flare up and it did with Mt St Helens rumbling and increased activity along western faults, then Chile let's loose today with a 7.6
California did not let off enough stress, it is going to pop pretty big pretty soon.
It doesn't matter to predict quakes anyway, nothing you can do with so many people living on the fault zones themselves.