Originally posted by: nweaver
Originally posted by: Nothinman
Having things installed that i don't know about is rediculous.
Because if you don't know about it, it's not important? Learn to use a package manager and remove what you don't want.
I like knowing what is where
Again, learn to use a package manager.
(just cause the box took 3 full days to get built, X, and gnome on it
And in 2hrs I can have the exact same software and the packages I used will have had more QA on them so I'll have a more stable system.
So you can have the system up in 2 hours, but it takes how many hours to use your package manager to get rid of stuff you don't need/want.
Look, I don't think Gentoo is the end all be all of distro's, but
I prefer it over suse and redhat. It's also not crap. Distro preference is like ford/chevy argument, there is no winner. The portage system is also a decent way of keeping thing up to date. If you don't like it, don't use it. It's a valid tool and a decent distro. There is amazingly great install documentation (of course, there has to be). It also taught me alot about using linux from the CLI. I do so very little in the gui, because I can do it faster in the cli. Does that make me a "better" user then a gui person? No, it makes me different. It also was nice and documented so that I learned some kernel stuff, module/drivers stuff, lots of things. I have 3 Linux boxes, 2 Suse boxes, and 4 Redhat boxes. You know the one I have had the most trouble with? Redhat 9. Do I think my gentoo boxes are "'leet fast rigs"? No, they are a good answer to crappy hardware (like a laptop I have). I also like a clean, no frills added distro. You remove what you don't like from yours, I don't put it in mine, pick your poison.