Opteron 146 CACJE 0551 overclock result


Sep 20, 2004
I guess I should start my own opteron thread since not much info on this stepping and i'm stuck now can't go higher.

see my detail signature rig spec:

I brought the opty from ExcaliburPC. first boot with stock hsf, i can go 2.5ghz prime stable at 1.55volt 35c idle, 52c loaded. so i was dissapointed and decide try the watercool method.

Got the custom WC setup running, I even take off the IHS and make my opty "naked". result of great temp. drop at 23c idle, 32c loaded. However, speed wise not much improvement.

I can do 2.7ghz at 1.45v but Prime NOT stable. once I run 2.8ghz or more, prime and OCCT will fail in few minutes. FSB over 300mhz dont work well with lower multiplier too.

Things I had tried: lower ram to 200mhz 2.5-3-3-8, LDT 3x, LDT 1.4v, Chipset 1.7v, Dram 3.3v.

Suggestion how to get pass this wall?

1). Burn In cpu all day?
2). Ram problem?
3). DFI board issue?



Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
There are many threads on cacje but anyways. Seems like you have a dud or something. Most cacje are pretty nice and oc high on stock or near stock volts.

My opty 144 cacje does an easy 2.7ghz on 1.45 volts with an xp-90. Most cacje ive seen do about the same.


Sep 20, 2004
my opty reach the end already? temp is not an issue for me, with WC only 32C loaded. my mobo can also supply high voltage too, who it won't go higher? anyone believe burn in will help? if so how long?


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
Sounds mostly likely the board issue to me. Have you tried different CPU multipliers/memory dividers? Sometimes things that should be plain and obvious can give quirks. Things that I've tried and had success on various scenario:

- Trying different CPU multi (including leaving it @auto)
- Trying different memory dividers (including leaving it @auto)
- Trying different LDT multi: For instance, try x2.5. Or try leaving it @auto. I know it's weird and it should eventually be corrected (in many case via different BIOS), but sometimes a stupid thing like that fixes the instability. (BTW, I'm assuming you have it at x3 now, right? :) )
- Trying "Load Optimized Default" and reboot, then make minimal modification for the OC. Of course non OC-related stuff can be disabled. But try leaving CPU/Memory configuration change at minimal. Just change what you need for your desired speed. HTT (Obviously), VCore, Mem Frequency (DDR100), etc.
- Is your OS installation fresh with this CPU? If not, what was your previous CPU on current OS?
- BIOS flash
- Maybe your chip isn't that much capable.. or defective. What is the max Prime-stable clock? Is it stable @stock speed?



Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2000
I've found with the Opterons that memory timings play a larger part in my OC than any other variable. I'd say you need some memory tweaking........ or , maybe the chip is just tapped out?

try 8-4-4-2.5-1T... I'll get you the rest of my timings when I get home since we are running the same bios;) I did a lot of research and testing w/ my DFI. Look over on DFI- Street and check out the memory threads by Angry Games.

BTW- 2.7Ghz is nothing to sneeze at!! It's not a given any one of these will OC like mad.


Sep 20, 2004
i try lower the ram timing and speed. even at 2.5-4-4-8 230fsb, it wont do 2.8ghz under 1.6volt... currently i have to set it 1.65volt to run 280x10 and still priming now. my VX ram is rated 2-2-2-8 at 250mhz... so make no sense to lower it that far, and now the problem pretty much is on the opteron