The book is not very aptly titled. It's much more damning in regards to the mid-level government officials and Clinton deputy staffers than it is Clinton himself.
There were multiple terror attacks on US interests during Clinton's tenure. The ones that were stopped were a result of blind luck - in the case of the Phillipine attacks planned to kill Clinton and the Pope, the terrorists accidently set fire to their apartment and were arrested by local police before they could activate their plan.
As far as the millenium attacks being foiled goes, the same story is somewhat true. The capture of Ahmed Ressam is more due to the sharp eyes of a Customs Agent than any edicts handed down from those above them. The Clinton administration was making moves to counter any possible acts, but only after receiving hard intelligence from the Jordanians in regards to a potential plot. And their moves came around years after multiple bin Laden attacks - Yemen in 1992, the 1993 WTC bombing, Mogadishu, the attempted Phillipine action, the African embassy bombings. One could even argue that their lack of response to the USS Cole further emboldened al Qaeda.