Opinions on Abit SH6 board??


Apr 26, 2000
I have read the Anand Tech review about the SH6 mobo and I really don't know what to think...
I have a P3700E@770 Slot 1 and I want to build a new system with my PII 300.
Actually: P3770E, Asus P3BF, 128Mg PC100, Riva TNT2...
New ones :

A) PII 300@(?),Asus P3BF, Riva TNT2,128PC100

(B) PIII 700@(?), (WHICH MOBO??), Radeon 32DDR, 128 PC133
I am asking me several questions about the better mobo .. My Slot 1 proc don't allows me large choice in mobo but I think the i815 chipset is a better one than the Via Appolo 133 on the Asus P3V4x.. Well I hope you can understand my english... THANX



Junior Member
Dec 31, 2000
I just bought a Abit SH6. It works fine except for one major problem, part of the BIOS is missing. The last three settings under ADVANCED CHIPSET FEATURES is missing. Read my posting in this forum (missing settings),and if you end up buying this board check those settings the first time you boot up.