Open source Multimedia software


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
Hey guys, I've been doing some research lately on open source multimedia software, such as xmms and mplayer etc. and it seems like a lot of them are coming under legal fire for using proprietary implementations of codecs. What I'm wondering is; are there any open source multimedia programs that use non-proprietary implementations of codecs so as to alleviate legal issues with using and distributing the software? For instance the new h.264 codec is proprietary, but an open source version (x.264) is being developed. Are there any programs like this?


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Generally the problem is patents, where compatibility requires infringement.

For example the LAME MP3 codec is open source and royalty free from the codec authors, but using it infringes a set of patents and so requires royalty payments to the patent holders.

The unisys GIF patent extortion was the same story, it didn't matter where you got your GIF code, if you used it they collected their pound of flesh until the patents finally expired.

Some software is distributed from countries that don't recognize (or at least don't enforce) patents on algorithms, so people in those countries can get away with using LAME and other codecs without being lawyered, but in the rest of the world the foam-jawed lawyers run free.