Originally posted by: GagHalfrunt
Originally posted by: SacrosanctFiend
Originally posted by: Zolty
There isn't a ton to cram into the last episode, Antony dies, Cleopatra kills herself, Octavius becomes Augustus = 200 years of peace in the empire.
No, it led to 200 years of Roman peace (Pax Romana). Rome still waged wars with its enemies, still had to quell rebellions, and still had political unrest.
Doesn't matter. The larger-than-life, legendary people don't figure into any of it. The show had the intention of tracing the Julius Caeser to the rise of 2nd Triumvirate and Octavians victory over Antony and Cleo. That's it, that's where the action was. The rest of Octavians reign was pretty boring, the rebellions and political unrest were minor things that didn't merit inclusion. Focusing on them after the earth-shaking events that the show covered would have been anti-climactic. Two brilliant season and then a fitting end is far better than 2 brilliant seasons followed by another where Octavians biggest concern was what to have for dinner. It's over, the series is over because the important part of the story is over. There's nothing left to tell.