Online UPS questions


Junior Member
Jan 28, 2015

Is online UPS the solution to power fluctuation problems? The vendor of my UPS first proposed an inverter solution to me for solving power fluctuation and later came back saying online UPS saves the computer from power fluctuation and not the inverter. He told me that the online UPS can be set to provide 230 volts steady voltage when the voltage variation is between 180-300v.

I have been reading a lot online ever since I have a busted SMPS due to voltage fluctuation.

Have a couple of more questions

1. I read that the basic UPS models that are meant for power backup produce square sine wave that would damage the APFC SMPS. Some APFC SMPS like the one from Seasonic can tolerate square sine wave and operate very well without problems. Is it true? Should I go for seasonic instead of cooler master thunder PSU?

2. I have earthing problems in my house and it would take some time to get it corrected. Due to bad earthing, I am getting some 50volts. I got a voltage stabilizer a few days back and that stabilizer socket does not have a earthing pin. So can I connect main to UPS->UPS to stabilizer -> stabilizer to SMPS so as to avoid trouble with poor earthing?
