So I was playing a nice session of Red Orchestra, when it looked like I needed an explosive satchel to destroy something. Gee... I wonder how I get the satchel? I asked... no answer. I asked... BS answers... from my own teammates. I couldn't help them if I didn't know how get those satchels. I asked... more BS. So I calle them arrogant. "Welcome to online gaming." they responded.
What kind of Aholes; this community is like the projects, everyone trying to defeat the same thing by getting their own. In a game that requires teamwork, how can the other team be defeated without teamwork.
And the manual for the game sucks and doesn't explain anything about gameplay. Just controls and some basic stuff. So how am I supposed to know. Do I have to leave the game and go to the RO official website, sign up and then post and wait a day for a response. Why?!
So I did what any immature male would do in my shoes, TEAMKILLING. Unfotunately I got banned for the session.
What kind of Aholes; this community is like the projects, everyone trying to defeat the same thing by getting their own. In a game that requires teamwork, how can the other team be defeated without teamwork.
And the manual for the game sucks and doesn't explain anything about gameplay. Just controls and some basic stuff. So how am I supposed to know. Do I have to leave the game and go to the RO official website, sign up and then post and wait a day for a response. Why?!
So I did what any immature male would do in my shoes, TEAMKILLING. Unfotunately I got banned for the session.