Online Gaming Community of Arrogance! (RANT)


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
So I was playing a nice session of Red Orchestra, when it looked like I needed an explosive satchel to destroy something. Gee... I wonder how I get the satchel? I asked... no answer. I asked... BS answers... from my own teammates. I couldn't help them if I didn't know how get those satchels. I asked... more BS. So I calle them arrogant. "Welcome to online gaming." they responded.

What kind of Aholes; this community is like the projects, everyone trying to defeat the same thing by getting their own. In a game that requires teamwork, how can the other team be defeated without teamwork.

And the manual for the game sucks and doesn't explain anything about gameplay. Just controls and some basic stuff. So how am I supposed to know. Do I have to leave the game and go to the RO official website, sign up and then post and wait a day for a response. Why?!

So I did what any immature male would do in my shoes, TEAMKILLING. Unfotunately I got banned for the session.



Aug 12, 2001
eh sounds like you are new to online gaming

in most public servers, it's you against the world. get used to it.

occasionally there's a nice guy here and there. you just gotta keep trying and keep your cool.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
I've been online gaming since 2000, but I don't think it's ever been this bad. Well, before I gamed with friends, but not anymore, just solo since 2002.

Cheating and TKing was a problem with or without friends. I would just move to another server.

I first experienced this appathy with COD where everyone started to color their names and noone would tell me. Looked that up for myself but ended up not using it.

This is my second and it is just sad.


Golden Member
Sep 2, 2003
I agree.

Back in the mid/late 90's, I had a lot of fun playing Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight, and Duke3D with friends. There was a sense of community and friendly competition 90% of the time with total strangers. I dabbled a little in Quake II, III, UT, and UT2k3, and I haven't found anything remotely close to that same feeling.

I tried to pick up Warcraft III MP and get into that last year. Every single time I would join a game with some new mod I had never played before, I got destroyed. I would ask how something works, or how to do something, only revealing myself as a some clueless prey. If I were a gazelle in the wild I would be shouting "Oh noes, I have broken three of my legs!" because every preditor in the game would dive on me that point and obliterate my very existance as quickly as they could, knowing I was new and didn't understand things very well. I realize that's bound to happen, but I even took crap from people on my own team. I wouldn't understand an order or acronym or how to do something, so I ask, only to be greeted with nonsense like "OMFGLOLRTF" or "omg, n00b." Yeah, no sh|t. I've never played this mod before, I'm new to it. How about I play a fun game of "let asshole e-dick waving nerds point out the obvious in an attempt to be cool and badass while I exit the game" instead of helping you?

So I don't play any games online anymore except for MMORPG's where I play with people, instead of watching my own team laugh their asses off at me as I try to learn how to play by asking them polite questions.


Senior member
Nov 16, 2003
You gotta realise that still the vast majority of partuicularly the simple shooters (like UT2004, q3, CS, etc) are kids. If not kids then teenagers with little more than stroking their virtual penis to prove how 'big' they are in the world.

Stay away from the simpler games and go for the more complex and strategic games. e.g play Joint Ops instead of counterstrike, Eve Online instead of Everquest

Online gaming life is much sweeter, the games generally much deeper, and most importantly the communities much more helpful and friendly


Jan 23, 2001
You have to understand that on a public server, these people are getting asked this sh!t constantly.

"How do I jump?"
"Where do I get the satchels?"
"Did we win?"
"Am I shooting teamates?"

After awhile you get tired of being the online tutorial.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: VIAN
So I was playing a nice session of Red Orchestra, when it looked like I needed an explosive satchel to destroy something. Gee... I wonder how I get the satchel? I asked... no answer. I asked... BS answers... from my own teammates. I couldn't help them if I didn't know how get those satchels. I asked... more BS. So I calle them arrogant. "Welcome to online gaming." they responded.

What kind of Aholes; this community is like the projects, everyone trying to defeat the same thing by getting their own. In a game that requires teamwork, how can the other team be defeated without teamwork.

And the manual for the game sucks and doesn't explain anything about gameplay. Just controls and some basic stuff. So how am I supposed to know. Do I have to leave the game and go to the RO official website, sign up and then post and wait a day for a response. Why?!

So I did what any immature male would do in my shoes, TEAMKILLING. Unfotunately I got banned for the session.

Weak. TKing is far worse than what they did to you.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
I've been online gaming since about 1992 (w/ MUDs and various VAX games). It's for sure different now but most people are pretty nice online I find. The kiddie speak servers are minimal compared with the servers that have people just having a good time together.

When I get a new game and go online I just follow teamates around. I watch what they do and cover their back. If you do this enough you'll find some better players to follow and you'll not only help them but you'll learn something also. After you've played like this for a little while you'll learn the tricks of defending or turning the map. I think the key is just being patient while you're still a n00b.

RO is a bit tricky right now because it's being flooded with new players. This wouldn't be a problem if RO had a huge community, but it doesn't. Just be patient, you'll figure it out. RO is on hold for me at the moment because of the rifle accuracy weirdness and the grenade = heavy mortar issue.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
Seeruk probably has the reason right their. I'm playing with people more immature than me.

You have to understand that on a public server, these people are getting asked this sh!t constantly.

"How do I jump?"
"Where do I get the satchels?"
"Did we win?"
"Am I shooting teamates?"

After awhile you get tired of being the online tutorial.
Well, I found out how to get those satchels. I searched it out in google. And believe me, it took me 10 minutes and the clue wasn't direct. There is a class that gets special stuff based on the level and I had to be that class.

So instead of saying "LOL, noob","You have to buy one from the menu" - as if I fell for that one, and other BS stuff they could have just said "You have to be a certain class" and that's it.

Weak. TKing is far worse than what they did to you.
Good! You ruin my gameplay and I ruin your gameplay.


Junior Member
Oct 3, 2004
Maybe you should learn the damn game before you start playing with others? Your teammates are not there to be your teachers.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
I was playing the game for like 3 weeks, excuse me that the technical writing for the game sucked and the manual didn't explain everything. Unlike most people, I read manuals all the way through.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
Originally posted by: AlsoNadrag
Maybe you should learn the damn game before you start playing with others? Your teammates are not there to be your teachers.

To be fair Red Orchestra has a near worthless manual and absolutely zero playable single player options.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: VIAN
Seeruk probably has the reason right their. I'm playing with people more immature than me.

You have to understand that on a public server, these people are getting asked this sh!t constantly.

"How do I jump?"
"Where do I get the satchels?"
"Did we win?"
"Am I shooting teamates?"

After awhile you get tired of being the online tutorial.
Well, I found out how to get those satchels. I searched it out in google. And believe me, it took me 10 minutes and the clue wasn't direct. There is a class that gets special stuff based on the level and I had to be that class.

So instead of saying "LOL, noob","You have to buy one from the menu" - as if I fell for that one, and other BS stuff they could have just said "You have to be a certain class" and that's it.

Weak. TKing is far worse than what they did to you.
Good! You ruin my gameplay and I ruin your gameplay.

They didn't ruin your gameplay, but you ruined theirs. Grow up.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well, gotta agree though, playing online is mostly useless unless you know who you're playing with.
I play CS on one server exclusively, because I know most of the people that play on that server are people who are there to play, without cheats and without pretending to be big men by cursing and talking down to others.
They also have a group of very good admins who usually make short work of losers that find the server.

That's the only way really, find a good server or two, then stick to them.
Or play with your friends.

Or go out for a beer instead ;)


Nov 28, 2001
Originally posted by: skace
You have to understand that on a public server, these people are getting asked this sh!t constantly.

"How do I jump?"
"Where do I get the satchels?"
"Did we win?"
"Am I shooting teamates?"

After awhile you get tired of being the online tutorial.

Agreed. I am ussually a pretty nice guy on public servers. I try to help the first 4-5 newbs but after that forget it. I'm trying to play the damn game not be a teacher. Of course I don't yell and scream at them about being newbs I just continue to play. I do find it annoying in CS:S when newbs are play and everyone yells F10 (Exits game for non CS:S players) for such and such and then you see a bunch of people drop from the server. Its like yeah that was funny the first hundred times but now that its like the 10,000th time it no longer amuses me...


Aug 10, 2002
Sorry VIAN, but it happens. Many seasoned players do get pissed off by noobs asking the same thing over and over again. Sometimes they can can be at the end of their tether.

If I have a really retarded team, I get a little annoyed, like when we have one objective we need to defend, but no one is defending it, even thought I'm yelling "Defend XXX!!!!"
Usually questions are answered, sometimes they are not.

I'm guessing you played on the CiA server (they do session bans, it's a US server, and usually the most populated). Usually there's someone on their who is helpful, I'm suprised no one answered.
But we do get people all the time asking "Where's my crosshair?!?!", "How do I use MG?!?!" etc.
And I doubt you would have to wait for a day to get an answer on the forums, it's not that slow (well the gen disc isn't)

Give it a chance, one bad experience shouldn't put you off, it happens everywhere.
I was playing MultiTheftAuto and got called a cheater because I moved while firing, but it was just the other guy having lag.
He spent the next 5 minutes calling me a cheater because I killed him while he lagged. It didn't put me off, but the lag did in the end.

I was thinking about asking if the devs wanted a decent manual writing this morning in fact, and I think it's something that the community could usefully put together to help the mod, especially if they want to reach a wider audience.
I may go and ask them now.

And TKing will NOT make you ANY friends.
Even when you get annoyed, DON'T tk, it's the worst thing you can possibly do, and will make people thing you're a very immature kid, and when in the future you want help, they are even less likely to give it to you.
Deliberate tkers = worst kind of scum in RO.


Senior member
Oct 11, 2000
i didnt read the whole thread.... but please do not compare playing a game online with nerds, sitting alone in your room with "the projects"



Mar 16, 2004
Most online gamers average about 13 years of age. Mmorpgs are a little bit better. Everquest used to average, according to polls at least, 21-22, though I'd estimate it at about 15 currently and falling.


Diamond Member
Oct 26, 1999
I never chat while on-line, too much of a waste of time. I put all my concentration into getting whatever needs to get done to win. If I don't know how to do something, i'll avoid it and do something else. People who constantly chat seem to do nothing more than get into a virtual pissing match.

But yes, help from teamates should be given, but you need to realise there are guy's like me who will never ever pay attention to the chat box, but on the situations needed to win the round at any cost.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
Lonyo: I was on the CiA server. I've never asked retarded questions like that, I take care to look into the manual, the controls and looking around the map for anything I don't know, but then what? I wanted to continue playing and I wanted to beat that team, especially when they beat us the first time and we were close to beating them.

I'm still gonna go back to play cause that game kicks ass.

Investing into a nicely written manual is definitely a good idea.

I hate Tkers too. But I hate arrogant fools even more. I've actually had some fun at times preventing TKers from TKing by TKing them, and then it became a big mess in the base. This was is DOD. Lasted for about half an hour.

gUEv: What I meant by that is. People in the projects want to get out of the projects, but they still kill each other instead of helping each other.

I'm 20, Voltage is my alias in all my online games.



Senior member
Jul 25, 2004
They wouldn't answer your questions, therefore ruining your gaming experience, so you TK'd them?

Am I the only one who doesn't really understand this logic?


Senior member
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: VIAN
gUEv: What I meant by that is. People in the projects want to get out of the projects, but they still kill each other instead of helping each other.

that is a sweeping generalization, to say the least.
you are saying that no one in the projects helps eachother, that everyone living in the projects kills eachother?

i think you watch a few too many movies man...

im not trying to go off topic or anything i just find your opinions incredibly.....interesting


Senior member
May 4, 2004
Originally posted by: Gurck
Most online gamers average about 13 years of age. Mmorpgs are a little bit better. Everquest used to average, according to polls at least, 21-22, though I'd estimate it at about 15 currently and falling.
Well, instead of pulling numbers out of my ass like others, here are some real gaming demographics. Plenty of people, old and young, don't like to be bothered by "newb" questions which is what the parent asked.