With all the ATOT traffic lately, it has been difficult to follow all the b*tching in all the different flamebait threads, so I propose to combine them all into one!!!
Post here if you think:
Republicans are stupid / Democrats are stupid
Iraq should be pummeled / The US should not be a world bully
Israel sux / Palestinians suck
Barton will sweep the floor with the P4 / P4 will rule forever
GeForce FX all the way / Radeon 9700 p0wns ya
So, if everyone posts in here, I can just follow one thread - makes my life a lot easier.
And now - flame away
We rule over them all.
AnandTech Moderator
Post here if you think:
Republicans are stupid / Democrats are stupid
Iraq should be pummeled / The US should not be a world bully
Israel sux / Palestinians suck
Barton will sweep the floor with the P4 / P4 will rule forever
GeForce FX all the way / Radeon 9700 p0wns ya
So, if everyone posts in here, I can just follow one thread - makes my life a lot easier.
And now - flame away
We rule over them all.
AnandTech Moderator