Please, everyone...
I'm sure in a few days Curtis will read this and
be very touched. Crum is a very warm and caring
person, and I am devastated by his loss.
But, please do not mail anything else to the
email address listed in his profile. This
address seems to be an old one that he has
dropped since joining the forums, and some poor
person out there is getting bombarded with
sympathy emails. Confusing to say the least. If
you would like to email him personally, please
send me anything you would like forwarded and I
will gladly do so, as I would hate to give out
his new addy without his express permission.
Mail me at:
I will forward them all.
You may also, join and post at the forums listed
at the site in the link kabelogo provided. The
thread there is a good way to keep this
contained, and I know Crum will probably read
there first when he feels up to it.
Thank you for all your kind words....I know they
are appreciated...
Crystal Rector