Onboard video not releasing for PCIe card


Golden Member
Sep 28, 2005
I have a GIGABYTE GA-MA78GM-S2H that I am using for a media center.

I was using the PCIe 8600gt for component video out to a TV that had no HDMI.

I got a new TV, tested out the HDMI using the onboard HD3200, and now any video that plays (TV, DVD, etc) gets green lines and streaks. To try and fix this, I updated to the F8a BIOS (the most recent one), but it didn't fix the problem.

I then tried to go back to using the 8600 and now the BIOS won't even detect it. When I disable the onboard video, it beeps at me like there is no video card, and I have to reset the BIOS to get the onboard to work again.

I am now testing it using a 19" LCD so I can keep the TV out of the equation and make it simple.

I reset the BIOS to defaults, which say to use "PCI first" then onboard video. When I hook the monitor to the 8600 it boots up, but I see nothing. I can switch the monitor over to the onboard, and I see it all booted up.

Nothing I do seems to allow me to switch back to using the 8600. I have taken out the 8600 and booted up, shut down, put it in, and booted back up... but still no go.

Is there anything I am missing? :confused:



Senior member
Feb 11, 2006
Originally posted by: acole1

I reset the BIOS to defaults, which say to use "PCI first" then onboard video. When I hook the monitor to the 8600 it boots up, but I see nothing. I can switch the monitor over to the onboard, and I see it all booted up.

PCI is totally different from PCIe


Golden Member
Sep 28, 2005
To me it seems more likely that the wording is incorrect for the BIOS option than the board not support a PCIe first configuration, and instead would only support PCI. The Init Display First options are PCI or onboard.

I am considering re-flashing to an older BIOS.


Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2004
Did you have sound routed through the HDMI? If so, you might need to disable this in the BIOS as well. Tough issue really, just throwing an idea out there.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2004
Do you have either -

1) A different system to test the 8600gt
2) A different video card to test in this system

If possible confirm both are functional separate of the other.

I have seen cases where AMD motherboards with certain BIOSes are incompatible with nVidia graphics cards. Exactly the behavior you're experiencing. Fix is usually update the BIOS to the latest available - in your case since it worked before - update to the previous version.

EDIT: Heh. Just looked at your sig. Swap some parts out with main rig to test each before flashing BIOS in media center PC.


Golden Member
Sep 28, 2005
Problem found.... 2 very busted caps on the rear of the card. :(

Looking into warranty now.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
Originally posted by: acole1
Problem found.... 2 very busted caps on the rear of the card. :(

Looking into warranty now.

:( Sorry to hear that. Was working on a PC tonight myself and when I picked it up I heard a rattle, looked inside and I'll be damned if it wasn't a capacitor that had fallen off :shocked: