Lets also not forget depending on the kicd of audio card you buy will make your games sound better and much more realisitic.
Like driving a car through a tunnel for an example. My onboard Nvidia makes no echo sound what so ever with NFS HP2. Stick in my very old Hercules Game Theater card and not onlt is there an echo from the engine but from the horn as well that was not there with onboard sound.
This is just an example of what it can do for you games because good gaming cards (not your $15 specials) can decode more that was programed into the game. Most onboard can do some eax. Get a newer soundblaster with a 5.1 set up and the diff would be huge. Heck if you money is tight a hercules Game theater can be had for $35 right now in FS/FT and will make a big diff.
Onboard is great now for music and the casual gamer. If you got a kick butt pc for gaming you need to complete the package with a decent set of speakers and sound card or your only getting 1/3rd of the fun
You may not see that much of a FPS jump but it will make up with the sound to your ears.