The only business degree that is worth it for what you learn is a MPA, because then you can take the CPA exam.
BUT a MBA can still be worth every dime you pay if you do it right.
The real value in a MBA is the networking you get in the classes. Especially at higher-end programs, many are either older career folks going back to advance (so they often have the power to hire) or some rich family's kid who is just doing what daddy said to do (and therefore also has the power to hire in daddy's company).
But that means things like an online MBA, or taking MBA classes in a region that you don't plan to stay in, are not worth as much.
I am a victim to the second one. I got my MBA because it was easy to fit with my last job, and I got a ton of really good job offers via classmates afterwards. But I wanted to live in a different region, so I ended us flushing that all down the toilet. If I could do it again I would have waited until I was more settled.