OMFG! I passed 2 cops at 100 MPH.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2009
On the way home from work today I was speeding to an appointment and I passed 2 troopers cars at 100 MPH on the highway that posted 55 MPH.

The road was empty and the cops were on the other side of the median chatting to each others when I blasted by. My heat missed a beat when they turn and look at my direction and thank to the divider they didn't have a chance to catch me. It was my lucky day, but I was too scare to speed after that.
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Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2005
Wait, so you were on a 34 MPH road going 100 MPH? Are you sure you mean KPH?


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
Unless you're running from a crazed lunatic with a gun or just got a notice that your family member / loved one is in a dire situation, there's no need to go 100 MPH.

Doing 100+ on the highway, where the flow of traffic is all in one direction and there's a divider to help reduce multi-car accidents is one thing, but if you were truly going that fast on a back road or non-divided highway (as 55 KPH would suggest), you're looking to be the next Darwin award recipient.

Slow down before you kill yourself or others.

EightySix Four

Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2004
On the way home from work today I was speeding to an appointment and I passed 2 troopers cars at 100 MPH on the highway that posted 55 MPH.

The road was empty and the cops were on the other side of the median chatting to each others when I blasted by. My heat missed a beat when they turn and look at my direction and thank to the divider they didn't have a chance to catch me. It was my lucky day, but I was too scare to speed after that.

Everyone here is going to freak out and sick the moral police on you, but I personally feel that on a truly empty road, the only person I'm endangering is myself and if I am willing to accept the responsibility of my actions, then fuck it, why not?

Had the cops pulled you over, you would have had to man up and accept the consequences, but they didn't and you'll be speeding again soon I'm sure. Be careful and stay safe.


Diamond Member
Jan 18, 2004
Here come the ATOT moral police. These people are so perfect.



No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
You probably shat your pants, I would have. 100 mph doesn't seem a big deal depending on car, weather, road, and traffic around. I know I've hit it a multitude of times. But then I own a 2000 Maxima SE, the thing is basically a four door Lamborghini. FACT


Jan 21, 2001


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2002
You probably shat your pants, I would have. 100 mph doesn't seem a big deal depending on car, weather, road, and traffic around. I know I've hit it a multitude of times. But then I own a 2000 Maxima SE, the thing is basically a four door Lamborghini. FACT

don't make me park a truck tire on your hood, riceboy.


Feb 15, 2000
100MPH really isn't the OMG YOU'RE GONNA KILL US ALL! speed that it used to be for many cars. Suspensions are much better, cars are much safer, tires are WAY better, aerodynamics are much more stable. Driving a 1950 Buick at 100MPH would be an adventure, driving a 1980 shitbox at 100MPH is scary, but driving a 2010 sedan at 100MPH is rather sedate.

That said, own up to the consequences and don't do it when there's traffic around.


Golden Member
Jan 31, 2005
I'm with the crowd that doesn't care what speed you are going if you are on the road alone. With traffic, where you have the chance to injure other people, and I'll call you a fracking dumbass. By yourself? Who cares, if you wreck, then you get the Darwin award.


Sep 17, 2002
You probably shat your pants, I would have. 100 mph doesn't seem a big deal depending on car, weather, road, and traffic around. I know I've hit it a multitude of times. But then I own a 2000 Maxima SE, the thing is basically a four door Lamborghini. FACT

LOL...awesome. "Maxima" is Italian right? You should put a Lamborghini sticker on your car and fit a plastic 1 between the V and the 6. Instant 200HP bump!


Sep 17, 2002
100MPH really isn't the OMG YOU'RE GONNA KILL US ALL! speed that it used to be for many cars. Suspensions are much better, cars are much safer, tires are WAY better, aerodynamics are much more stable. Driving a 1950 Buick at 100MPH would be an adventure, driving a 1980 shitbox at 100MPH is scary, but driving a 2010 sedan at 100MPH is rather sedate.

That said, own up to the consequences and don't do it when there's traffic around.

Agreed...when I'm traveling in Germany for my company, I have no problems taking our company cars up to 120+ MPH speeds with no issues. I had a Renault diesel rental once that was struggling past 100 I just didn't bother with that one.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2004
yeah, driving an E320 on the 'bahn at 240KM/h is pretty easy, actually. as long as everyone stays out of your way and no one pulls into your lane to pass a semi at 90 when you're breathing down their neck, that's fucking scary. Ever had ABS engage at over 200km/h? yiiiiiikes.

edit:240km/h is around 150 miles per hour.


Jan 29, 2004
I'm with the crowd that doesn't care what speed you are going if you are on the road alone. With traffic, where you have the chance to injure other people, and I'll call you a fracking dumbass. By yourself? Who cares, if you wreck, then you get the Darwin award.

^ /thread

Possessed Freak

Diamond Member
Nov 4, 1999
I wonder how easy it is to dodge deer at 100 MPH...

I like my Mighty Saturn, I know what speed I am doing on that thing based on the rattles, clunking, whining, and screeching coming from it. If I go over 70, I hear quite a symphony of engine sounds.


Sep 17, 2002
I wonder how easy it is to dodge deer at 100 MPH...

I like my Mighty Saturn, I know what speed I am doing on that thing based on the rattles, clunking, whining, and screeching coming from it. If I go over 70, I hear quite a symphony of engine sounds.

While my truck doesn't have all those sounds, but I know it has no interest in hitting those speeds. Driving 80MPH in that thing feels plenty fast...which luckily keeps me from many unintentional tickets.


Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2006
yeah, driving an E320 on the 'bahn at 240KM/h is pretty easy, actually. as long as everyone stays out of your way and no one pulls into your lane to pass a semi at 90 when you're breathing down their neck, that's fucking scary. Ever had ABS engage at over 200km/h? yiiiiiikes.

edit:240km/h is around 150 miles per hour.

Considering how hard you'd have to push an E320 to get to 150mph much less stay there I wouldn't really call it "easy"


Jul 20, 2004
big deal - people do that everyday here. I get passed by people doing over 85 everyday.


Platinum Member
Apr 6, 2001
I was young and stupid once (20 years old). I was in my buddy's '79 Firebird Trans Am racing on the highway with a Corvette. It was 1982, and we were racing on I-30 in Fort Worth around 2 a.m, no traffic whatsoever back then. The speed limit was 55 mph. After topping a slight hill (not too many hills in Fort Worth), I spotted the police officer on the shoulder. Within 2 miles two squad cars entered the highway and I shut it down and pulled over, the Corvette guy kept going. The officer said I was clocked at 135 mph. I was written 3 tickets, speeding, illegal lane change without signalling, and following another vehicle too closely (I was drafting on the vette) Needless to say, was arrested, taken to the Tarrent County Jail, my shoe laces were taken away, and I had to wear the county jumpsuit (orange just isn't my color). My buddy's Trans Am was impounded (boy was he pissed). What happened to the vette guy you ask? Well, he showed up in the county jail about an hour after me. What I really didn't expect (I don't know why I never thought about it), is that we were put in jail right along with the theives, murderers, rapests, and druggies. WOW! What an eye opener for me. The Vette guy (Joey Smikas) and I became really good buddies that night, covering each others backs. The next morning we were taken in front of the Judge, and bail was set. Well I didn't have enough for bail ($150) so I was going back in. Luckilly for me Joey spoke up to the judge and posted my bail as well. After paying Joey back the bail money, I had to pay the impound yard $100 for them to release the vehicle, and I had to pay another $250 to a body shop to fix the damages the tow truck caused while impounding the Trans Am. I hired a lawyer to defend me for the traffic tickets at $25 each ($75) and luckilly for me he was a good one. The lawyer kept delaying the trial until the day the officer didn't show for court, and got all 3 tickets dismissed.


Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
Everyone here is going to freak out and sick the moral police on you, but I personally feel that on a truly empty road, the only person I'm endangering is myself and if I am willing to accept the responsibility of my actions, then fuck it, why not?

Had the cops pulled you over, you would have had to man up and accept the consequences, but they didn't and you'll be speeding again soon I'm sure. Be careful and stay safe.

There is no such thing as a "truly empty road" when you're talking about public thoroughfares. Animals, other cars, and even the occasional pedestrian can all appear at any time, even on a limited access freeway that appears to be empty. The idea that, if the road is empty, "the only person I'm endangering is myself" is bullshit because it is quite simply never possible to know that the road is empty.

Saying, "oh, the road was empty, so it was OK" is a common way of rationalizing the behaviour, but it's not legitimately exculpatory.

Yes, most young males will do something like this at one time or another. When I was in High School I did too. That doesn't make it smart and it doesn't make the rationalization valid.

Furthermore, considerations of whether an individual car is safe at 100mph neglect the fact that a safe speed is not dependent solely on the vehicle, but in almost all circumstances depends far more upon the design of the roadway and the available sightlines as well as the differential in speed among existing traffic. If a road is built such that the sight lines will not accommodate speeds above 55 mph then it simply doesn't matter that the car can safely drive at 100 mph because that's still too fast for the road. For this reason, simply saying that high-speed travel is safe on Germany's Autobahn is not valid as those roads are designed for high-speed travel.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2001
I once passed a car on the way home from work who was doing 15mph under the limit. As soon as I started the passing maneuver, the car sped up and I was already 90% past him, so I had to speed up because there was oncoming traffic down the road. As soon as I merged back into the lane, I looked down, I was going 100mph, the car behind was now tailing me, matching my speed, and we zoomed past a patrol car, who flipped his lights.

I pulled over, the guy behind me zoomed by, honking his horn at me and the cop zoomed past me and pulled the other guy over, HAHAH.

Now, THAT's a story.

Edit: fixed engrish, need new keyboard
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