olympus e-20


Platinum Member
Nov 1, 2007
I was thinking of asking for one for christmas, My friend wants to know what to get me. Its 100 bucks at costco. is it decent. I just want an everyday use type camera nothing fancy. if not than what else is at that price I should get instead.

Its either that or a 6month sub to gamefly :shrug


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2005
Are you sure the one you were looking it was the Olympus E-20? The E-20 is an old fixed-lens prosumer camera from 2001.

Anyway, these are the compact point and shoots I recommend for you. All are between $100-150 and are the best in of the bunch in this price range:

Panasonic LZ8 or LZ10

Panasonic FS3, FS5

Canon A590 IS, SD 1100 IS

Sony W120

Stick to those and you're golden. My personal favorite of the bunch is the LZ8 since it offers the most features of the bunch and has great image quality.


Diamond Member
Jun 23, 2005
Originally posted by: MonKENy
im sorry i mean the fe-20 http://www.olympusamerica.com/....asp?product=1392&fl=4

Not really worth it. Olympus simply cannot compete with the Panasonic, Canon, and Sony cameras on image quality, nor can they compete on features. The Olympus produces very mediocre images and lacks essential features like:

-Optical IS (the Olympus has Digital IS which just bumps up ISO and makes your images look like crap)

-Wide angle lens (the Olympus starts at 36mm, competitors start as low as 30 or 32mm). Zoom range on the Olympus is only 3x, compared to 5x for the Panasonics.

-Low quality LCD screen. The Panasonic models have screens with 230,000 dots of resolution (320x240).

-No manual exposure mode (found on the Panasonic and Canon).

Basically, look for good deals on one of the cameras I mentioned above. They should cost about the same (save for the LZ10 which is around $150). You'll get many more useful features and better image quality as well.