Old Mac Pro vs cheaper laptop w/ Intel SSD

citan x

Oct 6, 2005
I need to get a laptop for general purpose use, light gaming, and some programming, engineering projects (OrCAD, and Microsoft Visual Studio). I also like to watch some videos (anime) too, mostly 720p stuff.

I am looking at the older generation Mac pros for $1400. I would probably be installing windows on it.

I could also go with a cheap $600 laptop and install a Intel SSD on it. I would probably upgrade ram and install a fresh copy of Windows. Any recommendations on a cheap laptop that would not completely suck at gaming?

Which do you think would be faster? Better?


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
I am trying to figure out why you are trying to choose between a $1400 Mac Pro or a $600 laptop.... why not split the difference and get the $1400 MacBook (after student discount)


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
A $600 laptop is probably going to have crappy integrated graphics, or a very low-end dedicated card. You said you wanted a laptop that won't completely suck at gaming, so I'd stay far, far away from anything in that category.

I just bought this (see my post), and after using it all day, I have very little to complain about (I'm VERY picky). http://www.newegg.com/Product/...x?Item=N82E16834220391

They also have a cheaper model with an older 65nm processor and smaller HDD for quite a bit less: http://www.newegg.com/Product/...x?Item=N82E16834220389

Even if those don't look appealing, make sure you look into something with a decent graphics card if you want to game. Even an 8400GS will be a huge step up from anything Intel.