Oklahoma botches execution, went horribly wrong while inmate writhed over 30 minutes


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
This is just sickening to me. I don't care if they death row inmate did do something so horrible to grant the death penalty. We are much better than this, and this is just extremely cruel. It appears they terribly botched another execution while the inmate struggled to sit up, mumbled something is wrong, writhed, twitched, groaned. They finally stopped the execution so they say, but he finally died 30 minutes later of a massive heart attack. The witnesses were horrified.

A bullet to the head and chest would have been a much quicker death than this.

Clayton Lockett's execution was slated to begin at 6:00 p.m.

At 6:37 Clayton Lockett was not unconscious and said "something is wrong".

Clayton Lockett convulsed several times, his chest and head rising off the gurney at multiple points. Inmate 'struggled violently, groaned and writhed', witnesses said.

Oklahoma Dept. of Corrections closed the blinds on Clayton Lockett at 6:39 after inmate started moving and talking.

Clayton Lockett's execution was suspended. His status is unknown right now.

Execution of Clayton Lockett failed. Execution of Charles Warner stayed by Corrections director Robert Patton.


Clayton Lockett died inside the execution chamber at 7:06 pm of a massive heart attack according to DOC officials.

Oklahoma halts execution after botching delivery of new drug combination, postpones 2nd execution slated for tonight.

Oklahoma postpones second execution after first is botched

Execution of Clayton Lockett halted after 20 minutes as state uses untested drug cocktail, but inmate dies soon afterwards

The execution of convicted murderer Clayton Lockett was halted nearly 20 minutes after it began, but he later died of a heart attack inside the execution chamber at the Oklahoma state penitentiary. For three minutes after the first drugs were delivered, he struggled violently, groaned and writhed, lifting his shoulders and head from the gurney before the blinds to the room were lowered 16 minutes after the execution began.

McALESTER, Okla. — What was supposed to be the first of two executions here Tuesday night was halted when the prisoner, Clayton D. Lockett, began to twitch and gasp after he had already been declared unconscious and called out “man” and “something’s wrong,” according to witnesses.

The administering doctor intervened and discovered that “the line had blown,” said the director of corrections, Robert Patton, meaning that drugs were no longer flowing into his vein.

At 7:06 p.m., Mr. Patton said, Mr. Lockett died of a heart attack.

Mr. Patton said he had requested a stay of 14 days in the second execution scheduled for Tuesday night, of Charles F. Warner.

It was a chaotic and disastrous step in Oklahoma’s long effort to execute the two men, overcoming their objections that the state would not disclose the source of the drugs being used in a newly tried combination.

It did not appear that any of the drugs themselves failed, but rather the method of administration, but it resulted in what witnesses called an agonizing scene.

“This was botched, and it was difficult to watch,” said David Autry, one of Mr. Lockett’s lawyers.

A doctor started to administer the first drug, a sedative intended to knock the man out, at 6:23. Ten minutes later, the doctor said that Mr. Lockett was unconscious, and started to administer the next two drugs, a paralytic and one intended to make the heart stop.

At that point, witnesses said, things began to go awry. Mr. Lockett’s body moved, his foot shook, and he mumbled, witnesses said.

At 6:37, he tried to rise and exhaled loudly. At that point, prison officials pulled a curtain in front of the witnesses and the doctor discovered a “vein failure,” Mr. Patton said.

Blog site article with news clip


Golden Member
Oct 24, 1999
Maybe if more executions went this way people would not commit murders.
Too bad for him, but Karma is a bitch.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
It's sick that the Death Penalty still exists. It is unnecessary and Murders innocent people along with the Guilty.


Jun 19, 2000
Shot a teenage girl with a handgun followed by a shotgun and then buried her while she was still alive because she told him she was going to report him to the police.

This botched execution is once again the result of anti-death penalty zealots making the drugs that were previously used unattainable. States that execute by lethal injection must therefore make substitutions. The manner in which he died rests squarely on the heads of those zealots. They are to blame.



Senior member
Dec 30, 2013
I totally agree :This is just sickening to me ... It is because he did not suffer longer. I would have favored round the clock solitary confinement and starving this @#$%%^ to death.
Take that Michael Moore (on)
Maybe in some respects Sharia Law gets it right http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/sharia-law.html
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Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
It's sick that the Death Penalty still exists. It is unnecessary and Murders innocent people along with the Guilty.

They say 1 out of 5 are innocent on death row.. and that is pretty damn scary.. but this just violates the constitution on the issue surrounding cruel and unusual punishment. These folks messed up big time.. and there is now even closer scrutiny and outcry over this.


Diamond Member
May 18, 2003
Stephanie Neiman was proud of her shiny new Chevy truck with the Tasmanian Devil sticker on it and a matching "Tazz" license plate.

Her parents had taught the teenager to stand up for "what was her right and for what she believed in."

Neiman was dropping off a friend at a Perry residence on June 3, 1999, the same evening Clayton Lockett and two accomplices decided to pull a home invasion robbery there. Neiman fought Lockett when he tried to take the keys to her truck.

The men beat her and used duct tape to bind her hands and cover her mouth. Even after being kidnapped and driven to a dusty country road, Neiman didn't back down when Lockett asked if she planned to contact police.

The men had also beaten and kidnapped Neiman's friend along with Bobby Bornt, who lived in the residence, and Bornt's 9-month-old baby.

"Right is right and wrong is wrong. Maybe that's what Clayton was so scared of, because Stephanie did stand up for her rights," her parents later wrote to jurors in an impact statement. "She did not blink an eye at him. We raised her to work hard for what she got."

Steve and Susie Neiman asked jurors to give Lockett the death penalty for taking the life of their only child, who had graduated from Perry High School two weeks before her death.

Tuesday, 15 years later, the state plans to carry out that penalty.

Lockett later told police "he decided to kill Stephanie because she would not agree to keep quiet," court records state.

Neiman was forced to watch as Lockett's accomplice, Shawn Mathis, spent 20 minutes digging a shallow grave in a ditch beside the road. Her friends saw Neiman standing in the ditch and heard a single shot.

Lockett returned to the truck because the gun had jammed. He later said he could hear Neiman pleading, "Oh God, please, please" as he fixed the shotgun.

The men could be heard "laughing about how tough Stephanie was" before Lockett shot Neiman a second time.

"He ordered Mathis to bury her, despite the fact that Mathis informed him Stephanie was still alive."

Bornt and Neiman's friend "were threatened that if they told anybody about these events, they too would be murdered," court records state.

"Every day we are left with horrific images of what the last hours of Stephanie's life was like," her parents' impact statement says.

"We were left with an empty home full of memories and the deafening silence of the lack of life within its walls. ... We feel that the only thing left to do is let Clayton Lockett serve out the sentence of death that a jury sentenced him to. Anything less is a travesty of justice."

Bornt wrote a letter Feb. 7 stating: "Clayton being put to death by lethal injection is almost too easy of a way to die after what he did to us. ... He will just be strapped to the table and will go to sleep and his heart will stop beating."

Looks like the parents were pleasantly surprised.

In this instance, I find it hard to care about what wrong.


Nov 18, 2007
Looks like the parents were pleasantly surprised.

In this instance, I find it hard to care about what wrong.

That's karma for you.

Maybe it's time to take a page from the Japanese and have a second standing by to chop off your head if things aren't going well.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2013
Yes because getting back at the convicted and torturing them is so humane..sigh


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
Maybe if more executions went this way people would not commit murders.
Too bad for him, but Karma is a bitch.

Did you forget that we're supposed to be *better* than the murderers and the rapists?


Sep 6, 2000
To be consistent if you want to ban capital punishment because an execution was botched, you should get rid of welfare because the "war on poverty" has been botched for 40+ years. Obamacare could fit into the same category if they can't turn the execution of it around shortly and fix some of the conceptual problems with it.


Platinum Member
Mar 15, 2007
To be consistent if you want to ban capital punishment because an execution was botched, you should get rid of welfare because the "war on poverty" has been botched for 40+ years. Obamacare could fit into the same category if they can't turn the execution of it around shortly and fix some of the conceptual problems with it.

Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Why do you hate the Constitution?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2001
I don't see what the problem is. Sometimes mistakes are made. They should find out why it went wrong and make sure that it doesn't happen again, but other than that everyone should just move on. It wasn't done intentionally, and was successful by some measure since the guy is dead.


Sep 6, 2000
Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Why do you hate the Constitution?

Just change the lethal injection from a '3 drug cocktail' to a single large dose of barbituates, just as how animals are "put to sleep" and the execution problem won't recur. I agree with you that Obamacare and most GOP policies are cruel and unusual punishment however.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
as i said in another thread. bring back the guilitine. it was 100% effective, it was fast and supposedly painless.

though to be honest I wouldn't mind seeing the death penalty go away or used rarely. when so many are found innocent on death row. In rare cases where they have video, dna etc then fine.


Senior member
Apr 12, 2011
It truly boggles my mind that this even makes the news.

What's shocking to me is that we're worried about being humane to these animals. I'm a lot more concerned about the meat I purchase feeling pain than I am this dirtbag. "Better than" these people? We ARE better than these people. We dont rape and kill innocent people.

When someone commits a crime like that, seriously, I worry about anyone who has any concern left for what happens to them. Why do they deserve any of our energy, our thought process, our resources? If there's no doubt about their guilt, and in this case there wasnt, really....I know this will piss people off but oh well. You people that are wasting energy feeling sorry for this animal are LOOKING for something to feel bad about.

The guy is trash. It's sad we waste resources trying to be "humane" about how we kill people like this. Dispose of monsters like this in the quickest, cheapest way possible. If it hurts, well, cry me a river.
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Diamond Member
May 21, 2003
Maybe if more executions went this way people would not commit murders.
Too bad for him, but Karma is a bitch.

Considering that as a people we've had the death penalty in multiple societies/civilizations for all of recorded history and people are still murdering/killing other people, the death penalty is not a deterrent.

But it's okay cause doing bad things to bad people makes us feel good.


Sep 6, 2000
Considering that as a people we've had the death penalty in multiple societies/civilizations for all of recorded history and people are still murdering/killing other people, the death penalty is not a deterrent.

But it's okay cause doing bad things to bad people makes us feel good.

Just because you find capital punishment distasteful doesn't mean society is somehow more virtuous if we stop executing people. These aren't philosopher kings being accused unjustly like Socrates and forced to drink hemlock, they're people who would just be in jail for life anyway and no longer contribute or detract from society in any way.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2001
I don't understand why they have to use these "drug cocktails" instead of a large dose of heroin.