he doesn't have an argument. He has no intelligent input, so he's asking ATOT to think of ways to troll her since he is not smart enough to do it on his own.
not only that, but he hasn't even listened to anything she's saying in order to decide what to troll her about. he's just in it because he thinks she's a fundamentalist christian and thinks it's cool to be a douchebag who thinks he's funny back in high school.
like i said before, she's speaking on a topic she feels strongly about and has, what she feels is, sufficient scientific data to help support her beliefs. she's just expressing a theory. you really want to waste your time trying to troll someone who's humbly offering her theory?
what's wrong with a person trying to marry science and faith? why bash them? she's trying to seek her own personal truth with evidence and share it with others who're willing to listen. that doesn't sound like christian fundamentalism to me... it sounds like a strong christian who's trying to validate her beliefs with scientific evidence.
it's better than having someone who's spouting off religious crap with no basis or potential scientific support whatsoever.