I can only answer for the Geil PC3200 C2 that I got from mwave (I think that was the company) I had to pay $140 for it about 2 months ago. I am running it right now at CAS2, 182 FSB sync, and it works great. I do NOT over volt anything to OC, and even one burp even under 98SE, and I go down in clock (98 is the worst, but I need it for some things like my camera) I had it running at 218 FSB non sync, but also C2, but it wasn't stable under anything but XP, and I also want sync'ed memory timings to the fsb (no latency hit). Mine sure looks the same as this, and I think mine said 2-3-3-6 timings, but I don't want to pull it out to verify that fact right now.
Edit, nope, it was newegg, and boy has the price dropped. Here is an excert:
GeIL DDR RAM 512MB PC-3200 400Hz Ultra- CAS 2, 1T CommandGL5123200U. DDR400, CAS 2, 184 Pin Dimm, 6-3-3 1T Timings,6 Layer Low Noise PCB. Pure Copper Heat Spreader with 3m Patened Thermal Tape; Clear Acrylic Retail Package - Lifetime Warranty Model#: GL5123200U Review by OCAddition.com Special FedEx Saver Shipping $6.00
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