Ok listen up you punks...


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999

Listen up, this is to all of your high school and young college kids (YES, you are still kids!). Do you guys realize how ridiculous you look by growing pubes on your face? Yes, we all realize you think it makes you look more grown up, but face it... it's looks like you've been rubbing your face in your crotch. I'm referring to peach fuzzz or trying to look like you have peach fuzz.... it's just looks terrible. Keep shaving and perhaps some day you'll be able to grow a normal beard, goatee, mustache or whatever you choose. And for you guys that just don't grow hair normally on your face... don't even try to look like you are normal, it almost looks just as bad. I've got a friend who can only grow sparse short curly hairs on the bottom of his chin. None above his lip, none on his chin, just below. It's looks bad....

Next, have you guys ever thought about dressing nicer? Nothing says 12 years old than a tie dyed shirt and long bleach blond hair. This is only acceptable if you are a busty and beautiful woman, guys (especially you skaters) just grow up a little and cut your damn hair already. Damn hippies!

Next, mullets are out. Even a semi-mullet is out. Guys should not have more hair in the back than they do on top. In same cases this even goes for you older guys.

Next, if you have bad teeth, keep your mouth closed. Nuff said.

Next, if you are fat (Hell, I'm fat... I'll admit it) don't try and look skinny by wearing stuff that is entirely to small for you, it makes the rest of us look bad. As if fat people don't already have a bad repuatation, Jimmy and his muscle shirt with shorts isn't helping us one bit.

Next, WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR! I keep seeing you damn lazy kids around campus that look like their momma's just woke them up 10 minutes ago. If you don't have time to wash it (which i can understand in a very select cases) at least brush or comb it. And no sticking your head in a toilet and flushing doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging! I'm just trying to give you a guys a little heads about things that you'll eventually learn. Wanting to look like a doofus usually wears off, why not get in on it ahead of time?



Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2002
hey. that i just woke up look is in fashion now. i started doing that last week.

TIGI Bed Head is my friend.

Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: Jugernot

Listen up, this is to all of your high school and young college kids (YES, you are still kids!). Do you guys realize how ridiculous you look by growing pubes on your face? Yes, we all realize you think it makes you look more grown up, but face it... it's looks like you've been rubbing your face in your crotch. I'm referring to peach fuzzz or trying to look like you have peach fuzz.... it's just looks terrible. Keep shaving and perhaps some day you'll be able to grow a normal beard, goatee, mustache or whatever you choose. And for you guys that just don't grow hair normally on your face... don't even try to look like you are normal, it almost looks just as bad. I've got a friend who can only grow sparse short curly hairs on the bottom of his chin. None above his lip, none on his chin, just below. It's looks bad....

Next, have you guys ever thought about dressing nicer? Nothing says 12 years old than a tie dyed shirt and long bleach blond hair. This is only acceptable if you are a busty and beautiful woman, guys (especially you skaters) just grow up a little and cut your damn hair already. Damn hippies!

Next, mullets are out. Even a semi-mullet is out. Guys should not have more hair in the back than they do on top. In same cases this even goes for you older guys.

Next, if you have bad teeth, keep your mouth closed. Nuff said.

Next, if you are fat (Hell, I'm fat... I'll admit it) don't try and look skinny by wearing stuff that is entirely to small for you, it makes the rest of us look bad. As if fat people don't already have a bad repuatation, Jimmy and his muscle shirt with shorts isn't helping us one bit.

Next, WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR! I keep seeing you damn lazy kids around campus that look like their momma's just woke them up 10 minutes ago. If you don't have time to wash it (which i can understand in a very select cases) at least brush or comb it. And no sticking your head in a toilet and flushing doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging! I'm just trying to give you a guys a little heads about things that you'll eventually learn. Wanting to look like a doofus usually wears off, why not get in on it ahead of time?


Why don't you tell us how you really feel?


Diamond Member
Apr 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Jugernot

Listen up, this is to all of your high school and young college kids (YES, you are still kids!). Do you guys realize how ridiculous you look by growing pubes on your face? Yes, we all realize you think it makes you look more grown up, but face it... it's looks like you've been rubbing your face in your crotch. I'm referring to peach fuzzz or trying to look like you have peach fuzz.... it's just looks terrible. Keep shaving and perhaps some day you'll be able to grow a normal beard, goatee, mustache or whatever you choose. And for you guys that just don't grow hair normally on your face... don't even try to look like you are normal, it almost looks just as bad. I've got a friend who can only grow sparse short curly hairs on the bottom of his chin. None above his lip, none on his chin, just below. It's looks bad....

Next, have you guys ever thought about dressing nicer? Nothing says 12 years old than a tie dyed shirt and long bleach blond hair. This is only acceptable if you are a busty and beautiful woman, guys (especially you skaters) just grow up a little and cut your damn hair already. Damn hippies!

Next, mullets are out. Even a semi-mullet is out. Guys should not have more hair in the back than they do on top. In same cases this even goes for you older guys.

Next, if you have bad teeth, keep your mouth closed. Nuff said.

Next, if you are fat (Hell, I'm fat... I'll admit it) don't try and look skinny by wearing stuff that is entirely to small for you, it makes the rest of us look bad. As if fat people don't already have a bad repuatation, Jimmy and his muscle shirt with shorts isn't helping us one bit.

Next, WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR! I keep seeing you damn lazy kids around campus that look like their momma's just woke them up 10 minutes ago. If you don't have time to wash it (which i can understand in a very select cases) at least brush or comb it. And no sticking your head in a toilet and flushing doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging! I'm just trying to give you a guys a little heads about things that you'll eventually learn. Wanting to look like a doofus usually wears off, why not get in on it ahead of time?


if i'm a "kid" at 20, then

i'm asian, i still shave daily

keep my hair cut, don't wear tie dye... dress casual for campus, nice otherwise

no mullet

good teeth

not really fat, but still don't wear tight clothes...

wash and do my hair every morning



Jun 16, 2000
Originally posted by: Jugernot

Listen up, this is to all of your high school and young college kids (YES, you are still kids!). Do you guys realize how ridiculous you look by growing pubes on your face? Yes, we all realize you think it makes you look more grown up, but face it... it's looks like you've been rubbing your face in your crotch. I'm referring to peach fuzzz or trying to look like you have peach fuzz.... it's just looks terrible. Keep shaving and perhaps some day you'll be able to grow a normal beard, goatee, mustache or whatever you choose. And for you guys that just don't grow hair normally on your face... don't even try to look like you are normal, it almost looks just as bad. I've got a friend who can only grow sparse short curly hairs on the bottom of his chin. None above his lip, none on his chin, just below. It's looks bad....

Next, have you guys ever thought about dressing nicer? Nothing says 12 years old than a tie dyed shirt and long bleach blond hair. This is only acceptable if you are a busty and beautiful woman, guys (especially you skaters) just grow up a little and cut your damn hair already. Damn hippies!

Next, mullets are out. Even a semi-mullet is out. Guys should not have more hair in the back than they do on top. In same cases this even goes for you older guys.

Next, if you have bad teeth, keep your mouth closed. Nuff said.

Next, if you are fat (Hell, I'm fat... I'll admit it) don't try and look skinny by wearing stuff that is entirely to small for you, it makes the rest of us look bad. As if fat people don't already have a bad repuatation, Jimmy and his muscle shirt with shorts isn't helping us one bit.

Next, WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR! I keep seeing you damn lazy kids around campus that look like their momma's just woke them up 10 minutes ago. If you don't have time to wash it (which i can understand in a very select cases) at least brush or comb it. And no sticking your head in a toilet and flushing doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging! I'm just trying to give you a guys a little heads about things that you'll eventually learn. Wanting to look like a doofus usually wears off, why not get in on it ahead of time?


doesn't sound much like the stereotypical college kid to me....


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002
go to hell im sure. im sure you didnt look perfect in the eyes of adults when you were are age. and if you were then you were probably REALLY nerdy im talking pocket protectors. what self respecting teen would want to please there parents and dress the way you people want us to. go to hell. although the mullet thing needs to go. and yes my spelling does suck go ahead make a comment its not like i dont no its horrible, and maybe you think i should spell correctly to give you a first impression, but i hope that impression is that you can go to hell!


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: slikmunks
Originally posted by: Jugernot

Listen up, this is to all of your high school and young college kids (YES, you are still kids!). Do you guys realize how ridiculous you look by growing pubes on your face? Yes, we all realize you think it makes you look more grown up, but face it... it's looks like you've been rubbing your face in your crotch. I'm referring to peach fuzzz or trying to look like you have peach fuzz.... it's just looks terrible. Keep shaving and perhaps some day you'll be able to grow a normal beard, goatee, mustache or whatever you choose. And for you guys that just don't grow hair normally on your face... don't even try to look like you are normal, it almost looks just as bad. I've got a friend who can only grow sparse short curly hairs on the bottom of his chin. None above his lip, none on his chin, just below. It's looks bad....

Next, have you guys ever thought about dressing nicer? Nothing says 12 years old than a tie dyed shirt and long bleach blond hair. This is only acceptable if you are a busty and beautiful woman, guys (especially you skaters) just grow up a little and cut your damn hair already. Damn hippies!

Next, mullets are out. Even a semi-mullet is out. Guys should not have more hair in the back than they do on top. In same cases this even goes for you older guys.

Next, if you have bad teeth, keep your mouth closed. Nuff said.

Next, if you are fat (Hell, I'm fat... I'll admit it) don't try and look skinny by wearing stuff that is entirely to small for you, it makes the rest of us look bad. As if fat people don't already have a bad repuatation, Jimmy and his muscle shirt with shorts isn't helping us one bit.

Next, WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR! I keep seeing you damn lazy kids around campus that look like their momma's just woke them up 10 minutes ago. If you don't have time to wash it (which i can understand in a very select cases) at least brush or comb it. And no sticking your head in a toilet and flushing doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging! I'm just trying to give you a guys a little heads about things that you'll eventually learn. Wanting to look like a doofus usually wears off, why not get in on it ahead of time?


if i'm a "kid" at 20, then

i'm asian, i still shave daily

keep my hair cut, don't wear tie dye... dress casual for campus, nice otherwise

no mullet

good teeth

not really fat, but still don't wear tight clothes...

wash and do my hair every morning


Yes, very.. sounds good to me. You could still be a slacker, but you've got several things in your favor. :)


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
go to hell im sure. im sure you didnt look perfect in the eyes of adults when you were are age. and if you were then you were probably REALLY nerdy im talking pocket protectors. what self respecting teen would want to please there parents and dress the way you people want us to. go to hell. although the mullet thing needs to go. and yes my spelling does suck go ahead make a comment its not like i dont no its horrible, and maybe you think i should spell correctly to give you a first impression, but i hope that impression is that you can go to hell!

How many times can I go to hell? :)


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Jugernot
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
go to hell im sure. im sure you didnt look perfect in the eyes of adults when you were are age. and if you were then you were probably REALLY nerdy im talking pocket protectors. what self respecting teen would want to please there parents and dress the way you people want us to. go to hell. although the mullet thing needs to go. and yes my spelling does suck go ahead make a comment its not like i dont no its horrible, and maybe you think i should spell correctly to give you a first impression, but i hope that impression is that you can go to hell!

How many times can I go to hell? :)

3 only 3 times


Jul 8, 2002
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
go to hell im sure. im sure you didnt look perfect in the eyes of adults when you were are age. and if you were then you were probably REALLY nerdy im talking pocket protectors. what self respecting teen would want to please there parents and dress the way you people want us to. go to hell. although the mullet thing needs to go. and yes my spelling does suck go ahead make a comment its not like i dont no its horrible, and maybe you think i should spell correctly to give you a first impression, but i hope that impression is that you can go to hell!

Are you one of them there youth rebels?


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Jugernot

Listen up, this is to all of your high school and young college kids (YES, you are still kids!). Do you guys realize how ridiculous you look by growing pubes on your face? Yes, we all realize you think it makes you look more grown up, but face it... it's looks like you've been rubbing your face in your crotch. I'm referring to peach fuzzz or trying to look like you have peach fuzz.... it's just looks terrible. Keep shaving and perhaps some day you'll be able to grow a normal beard, goatee, mustache or whatever you choose. And for you guys that just don't grow hair normally on your face... don't even try to look like you are normal, it almost looks just as bad. I've got a friend who can only grow sparse short curly hairs on the bottom of his chin. None above his lip, none on his chin, just below. It's looks bad....

Next, have you guys ever thought about dressing nicer? Nothing says 12 years old than a tie dyed shirt and long bleach blond hair. This is only acceptable if you are a busty and beautiful woman, guys (especially you skaters) just grow up a little and cut your damn hair already. Damn hippies!

Next, mullets are out. Even a semi-mullet is out. Guys should not have more hair in the back than they do on top. In same cases this even goes for you older guys.

Next, if you have bad teeth, keep your mouth closed. Nuff said.

Next, if you are fat (Hell, I'm fat... I'll admit it) don't try and look skinny by wearing stuff that is entirely to small for you, it makes the rest of us look bad. As if fat people don't already have a bad repuatation, Jimmy and his muscle shirt with shorts isn't helping us one bit.

Next, WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR! I keep seeing you damn lazy kids around campus that look like their momma's just woke them up 10 minutes ago. If you don't have time to wash it (which i can understand in a very select cases) at least brush or comb it. And no sticking your head in a toilet and flushing doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging! I'm just trying to give you a guys a little heads about things that you'll eventually learn. Wanting to look like a doofus usually wears off, why not get in on it ahead of time?


Reading over this it seems that you come in contact with these "kids" everyday, but your to wussy to do anything but post it on anandtech


Apr 1, 2001
Well, I possess none of those attributes that you so hate...but a small part of me (like, .0000025%) kinda wishes i were fatter, so that this freaking cold as hell weather wouldn't be so hard to deal with. But then I think about it, and I suppose I can deal with it.

How old are you anyway, Jugernot? And why the random rant at 3:30AM?


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
Originally posted by: Jugernot

Listen up, this is to all of your high school and young college kids (YES, you are still kids!). Do you guys realize how ridiculous you look by growing pubes on your face? Yes, we all realize you think it makes you look more grown up, but face it... it's looks like you've been rubbing your face in your crotch. I'm referring to peach fuzzz or trying to look like you have peach fuzz.... it's just looks terrible. Keep shaving and perhaps some day you'll be able to grow a normal beard, goatee, mustache or whatever you choose. And for you guys that just don't grow hair normally on your face... don't even try to look like you are normal, it almost looks just as bad. I've got a friend who can only grow sparse short curly hairs on the bottom of his chin. None above his lip, none on his chin, just below. It's looks bad....

Next, have you guys ever thought about dressing nicer? Nothing says 12 years old than a tie dyed shirt and long bleach blond hair. This is only acceptable if you are a busty and beautiful woman, guys (especially you skaters) just grow up a little and cut your damn hair already. Damn hippies!

Next, mullets are out. Even a semi-mullet is out. Guys should not have more hair in the back than they do on top. In same cases this even goes for you older guys.

Next, if you have bad teeth, keep your mouth closed. Nuff said.

Next, if you are fat (Hell, I'm fat... I'll admit it) don't try and look skinny by wearing stuff that is entirely to small for you, it makes the rest of us look bad. As if fat people don't already have a bad repuatation, Jimmy and his muscle shirt with shorts isn't helping us one bit.

Next, WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR! I keep seeing you damn lazy kids around campus that look like their momma's just woke them up 10 minutes ago. If you don't have time to wash it (which i can understand in a very select cases) at least brush or comb it. And no sticking your head in a toilet and flushing doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging! I'm just trying to give you a guys a little heads about things that you'll eventually learn. Wanting to look like a doofus usually wears off, why not get in on it ahead of time?


Reading over this it seems that you come in contact with these "kids" everyday, but your to wussy to do anything but post it on anandtech

Don't challenge someone physically over the internet because you are hiding behind your keyboard. kthxbye.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Millennium
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
Originally posted by: Jugernot

Listen up, this is to all of your high school and young college kids (YES, you are still kids!). Do you guys realize how ridiculous you look by growing pubes on your face? Yes, we all realize you think it makes you look more grown up, but face it... it's looks like you've been rubbing your face in your crotch. I'm referring to peach fuzzz or trying to look like you have peach fuzz.... it's just looks terrible. Keep shaving and perhaps some day you'll be able to grow a normal beard, goatee, mustache or whatever you choose. And for you guys that just don't grow hair normally on your face... don't even try to look like you are normal, it almost looks just as bad. I've got a friend who can only grow sparse short curly hairs on the bottom of his chin. None above his lip, none on his chin, just below. It's looks bad....

Next, have you guys ever thought about dressing nicer? Nothing says 12 years old than a tie dyed shirt and long bleach blond hair. This is only acceptable if you are a busty and beautiful woman, guys (especially you skaters) just grow up a little and cut your damn hair already. Damn hippies!

Next, mullets are out. Even a semi-mullet is out. Guys should not have more hair in the back than they do on top. In same cases this even goes for you older guys.

Next, if you have bad teeth, keep your mouth closed. Nuff said.

Next, if you are fat (Hell, I'm fat... I'll admit it) don't try and look skinny by wearing stuff that is entirely to small for you, it makes the rest of us look bad. As if fat people don't already have a bad repuatation, Jimmy and his muscle shirt with shorts isn't helping us one bit.

Next, WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR! I keep seeing you damn lazy kids around campus that look like their momma's just woke them up 10 minutes ago. If you don't have time to wash it (which i can understand in a very select cases) at least brush or comb it. And no sticking your head in a toilet and flushing doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging! I'm just trying to give you a guys a little heads about things that you'll eventually learn. Wanting to look like a doofus usually wears off, why not get in on it ahead of time?


Reading over this it seems that you come in contact with these "kids" everyday, but your to wussy to do anything but post it on anandtech

Don't challenge someone physically over the internet because you are hiding behind your keyboard. kthxbye.

i dont want to beat him up im saying if he has a problem then he should go out and start a meeting or something. not post here


Oct 30, 2001
how can you tell someone not to post something in good conscience on ATOT, the garbage disposal of all internet forums ;)


Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
Originally posted by: Millennium
Originally posted by: voodoo33500
Originally posted by: Jugernot

Listen up, this is to all of your high school and young college kids (YES, you are still kids!). Do you guys realize how ridiculous you look by growing pubes on your face? Yes, we all realize you think it makes you look more grown up, but face it... it's looks like you've been rubbing your face in your crotch. I'm referring to peach fuzzz or trying to look like you have peach fuzz.... it's just looks terrible. Keep shaving and perhaps some day you'll be able to grow a normal beard, goatee, mustache or whatever you choose. And for you guys that just don't grow hair normally on your face... don't even try to look like you are normal, it almost looks just as bad. I've got a friend who can only grow sparse short curly hairs on the bottom of his chin. None above his lip, none on his chin, just below. It's looks bad....

Next, have you guys ever thought about dressing nicer? Nothing says 12 years old than a tie dyed shirt and long bleach blond hair. This is only acceptable if you are a busty and beautiful woman, guys (especially you skaters) just grow up a little and cut your damn hair already. Damn hippies!

Next, mullets are out. Even a semi-mullet is out. Guys should not have more hair in the back than they do on top. In same cases this even goes for you older guys.

Next, if you have bad teeth, keep your mouth closed. Nuff said.

Next, if you are fat (Hell, I'm fat... I'll admit it) don't try and look skinny by wearing stuff that is entirely to small for you, it makes the rest of us look bad. As if fat people don't already have a bad repuatation, Jimmy and his muscle shirt with shorts isn't helping us one bit.

Next, WASH YOUR DAMN HAIR! I keep seeing you damn lazy kids around campus that look like their momma's just woke them up 10 minutes ago. If you don't have time to wash it (which i can understand in a very select cases) at least brush or comb it. And no sticking your head in a toilet and flushing doesn't work.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging! I'm just trying to give you a guys a little heads about things that you'll eventually learn. Wanting to look like a doofus usually wears off, why not get in on it ahead of time?


Reading over this it seems that you come in contact with these "kids" everyday, but your to wussy to do anything but post it on anandtech

Don't challenge someone physically over the internet because you are hiding behind your keyboard. kthxbye.

i dont want to beat him up im saying if he has a problem then he should go out and start a meeting or something. not post here

You posted a bullsh!t racism harassment story. Why shouldn't he be able to post what he wants?