Here's my dilema...
I've finally got some $$$ saved up to buy a handgun... my first handgun. I've already had 1 on 1 training at a local gun range and have fired several hundred rounds through rental guns in both 9mm and 40cal from several dif. manufacturers. I already have my handgun permit ready to go.
I'm mainly going to be using the gun for target shooting at the range, maybe IDPA matches, and personal defense - won't be concealed carrying yet, but will consider it in the future.
Originally I was looking at a USP 40 Compact - mainly because I like the brand, the look of the gun, haven't seen anything bad about them, and have had the airsoft version for years.
I've also had several people tell me that they love theirs and it has been the best gun they've ever owned. This IS available now after being in and out of stock for months but it's going to cost me about $725 + tax.
The other contender... Springfield XD9 4" model. This is in-stock at my local range for $455 + tax and is what I was going to buy in the next day or two until I saw that the USPs were in stock so I'm a little hesitant now. I've shot the XD9 and XD40 rental guns many times and liked them - I have not shot a USP compact at all. So essentially I'm stuck on basing my opinion on hearsay (internet reviews, owner comments, etc) and brand image. Essentially I'd be buying this gun blind.
Basically I'm trying to decide... is the USP worth the $270+ it would cost me up front plus the few days wait to get it delivered to my local FFL dealer? Or should I go with the XD9 that I can pickup tomorrow. Obviously I could use that money I save by going with the XD for ammo, range bag, cleaning supplies, etc.
Cliffs for the lazy:
Have money for gun
Gun A: USP Compact 40 for $725 + tax. Have not shot one myself. Little money for ammo/supplies.
Gun B: Springfield XD 9 4" for $455 + tax. Have shot this myself. Plenty of money for ammo/supplies.
Torn between the two. Help.
Edit: Purchased the XD 9mm + accessories & ammoon Thursday. Will be hitting the range this weekend. Thanks for the suggestions and comments. You can stop suggesting other guns now.
I've finally got some $$$ saved up to buy a handgun... my first handgun. I've already had 1 on 1 training at a local gun range and have fired several hundred rounds through rental guns in both 9mm and 40cal from several dif. manufacturers. I already have my handgun permit ready to go.
I'm mainly going to be using the gun for target shooting at the range, maybe IDPA matches, and personal defense - won't be concealed carrying yet, but will consider it in the future.
Originally I was looking at a USP 40 Compact - mainly because I like the brand, the look of the gun, haven't seen anything bad about them, and have had the airsoft version for years.
The other contender... Springfield XD9 4" model. This is in-stock at my local range for $455 + tax and is what I was going to buy in the next day or two until I saw that the USPs were in stock so I'm a little hesitant now. I've shot the XD9 and XD40 rental guns many times and liked them - I have not shot a USP compact at all. So essentially I'm stuck on basing my opinion on hearsay (internet reviews, owner comments, etc) and brand image. Essentially I'd be buying this gun blind.
Basically I'm trying to decide... is the USP worth the $270+ it would cost me up front plus the few days wait to get it delivered to my local FFL dealer? Or should I go with the XD9 that I can pickup tomorrow. Obviously I could use that money I save by going with the XD for ammo, range bag, cleaning supplies, etc.
Cliffs for the lazy:
Have money for gun
Gun A: USP Compact 40 for $725 + tax. Have not shot one myself. Little money for ammo/supplies.
Gun B: Springfield XD 9 4" for $455 + tax. Have shot this myself. Plenty of money for ammo/supplies.
Torn between the two. Help.
Edit: Purchased the XD 9mm + accessories & ammoon Thursday. Will be hitting the range this weekend. Thanks for the suggestions and comments. You can stop suggesting other guns now.