OK geeky gun guys, I turn to you...


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2000
Here's my dilema...
I've finally got some $$$ saved up to buy a handgun... my first handgun. I've already had 1 on 1 training at a local gun range and have fired several hundred rounds through rental guns in both 9mm and 40cal from several dif. manufacturers. I already have my handgun permit ready to go.

I'm mainly going to be using the gun for target shooting at the range, maybe IDPA matches, and personal defense - won't be concealed carrying yet, but will consider it in the future.

Originally I was looking at a USP 40 Compact - mainly because I like the brand, the look of the gun, haven't seen anything bad about them, and have had the airsoft version for years. ;) I've also had several people tell me that they love theirs and it has been the best gun they've ever owned. This IS available now after being in and out of stock for months but it's going to cost me about $725 + tax.

The other contender... Springfield XD9 4" model. This is in-stock at my local range for $455 + tax and is what I was going to buy in the next day or two until I saw that the USPs were in stock so I'm a little hesitant now. I've shot the XD9 and XD40 rental guns many times and liked them - I have not shot a USP compact at all. So essentially I'm stuck on basing my opinion on hearsay (internet reviews, owner comments, etc) and brand image. Essentially I'd be buying this gun blind.

Basically I'm trying to decide... is the USP worth the $270+ it would cost me up front plus the few days wait to get it delivered to my local FFL dealer? Or should I go with the XD9 that I can pickup tomorrow. Obviously I could use that money I save by going with the XD for ammo, range bag, cleaning supplies, etc.

Cliffs for the lazy:
Have money for gun
Gun A: USP Compact 40 for $725 + tax. Have not shot one myself. Little money for ammo/supplies.
Gun B: Springfield XD 9 4" for $455 + tax. Have shot this myself. Plenty of money for ammo/supplies.
Torn between the two. Help. :(

Edit: Purchased the XD 9mm + accessories & ammoon Thursday. Will be hitting the range this weekend. Thanks for the suggestions and comments. You can stop suggesting other guns now. ;)


Nov 21, 2001
Definitey go with XD. While USP is a fine gun, it's just not worth the price premium over XD. If you have a choice go with XD 40.


Senior member
Dec 27, 2003
XD-9 ammo cost is better if you shoot a lot. And it is a sweet gun. I have one.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Everyone (except Glock owners :p) seems to love the XD. That's the route I'd go. You can buy a lot of ammo with that extra cash.

Edit: Why not an XD40 if you were already going to get a USP40?


Platinum Member
Feb 10, 2002
I absofreakinglutely love my XD9 Sub Compact 3". As stated use the price difference to pick up a range bag, IWB and hip holsters, extra mags, etc. If high cap mags are legal for you, pick up a couple 17rounders, a speed loader and maybe some grip extensions.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2000
For those of you asking why the XD 9 instead of 40... that's simply because the 9 is in stock and the 40 cal I wanted got sold last week. :( If a 40 is there then I might consider it... I just figured 9mm makes more sense anyway - ammo is cheaper than 40 and the difference between 9mm hollow points vs 40 cal hollow points for self defense isn't as big as some people would like you to think... saw some pictures on one of the xd forums yesterday.

After thinking about it some more tonight I think I'm probably going to get the XD tomorrow. I can always sell it and get a USP later on... or just start a small collection and have both. ;)


No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Go shoot them all and buy the one that you feel most comfortable with. All guns are different in feel and pointability. I don't like the HK guns, they feel too big in my hands while a Glock feels perfect. I haven't fired any of the Springfield guns though.


Aug 24, 2004
I've never fired a gun in my life... but I can say from my CS experiences that a USP is the sexiest handgun ever. ;)


Jan 15, 2001
I have the XD .45 4" model, girlfriends father has the .45 5" model. Both are fantastic guns. I've probably shot about 1000 rounds through it and no jams yet. Very reliable gun.


Senior member
Dec 3, 2004
Go to the range and try out a Ruger. No one even thinks of the Rugers but they are great guns.

They are made well and I have never even had a jam. (1k+ rounds)


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2000
My opinion is that you will probably be happy with whichever one you buy but you will also always wonder about the other one, until you save enough to buy it too!!!

I have never shot an XD but I've hardly ever heard anyone say a bad word about them. Everyone seems to love them. Also, if it will mainly be used for target practice then the ammo cost is nearly half what it is for a .40.

I have owned a USP Compact before. Mine was a .45 and I loved that gun. If you are not strapped for the cash it is definately worth the price difference. Their motto is something like "In a world of compromise, some don't" and they mean it. Top notch weapon and the only thing I've ever heard bad about H&K is that if you have to send it in to the factory for something I've heard that the service sucks! I never had to send mine in so I can't speak for that first hand. One last thing about the H&K that is a feature I really love. It has a de-cocker and a thumb safety.



Golden Member
Jul 18, 2003


Compact vs. Full versions of firearms can be radically different in trigger, grip and recoil. A great example of this is the Glock 19 and the compact 9mm... I love the full, and can't stand shooting the compact.

Be patient! If you buy something tomorrow, you'll be forcing yourself to like it after you buy/open/shoot it.

Personally, my first time out shopping for a sidearm, I didn't buy anything at first, and I tried at least 12 guns before I picked up a Beretta 92FS 9mm and just KNEW that I loved it.

As a last caution, don't consider cost into the equation. This acquisition is something that in some future situation you may be protecting you or your family's life with. That being said, I know that Springfield's XD line are not junk. An extra $200 to have a gun that you are completely comfortable with and is of the highest quality is absolutely a bargain.

(By the way, I'm currently having a love-affair with 1911 models. I'm planning on spending the tax refund cash to get a S&W 1911.)



Golden Member
Jan 19, 2001
You should add the Smith and Wesson M&P to the list too. Just go shoot the M&P, XD, and GLOCK and then pick the one you like best.


Dec 4, 2002
Originally posted by: Mutilator
Here's my dilema...
I've finally got some $$$ saved up to buy a handgun... my first handgun. I've already had 1 on 1 training at a local gun range and have fired several hundred rounds through rental guns in both 9mm and 40cal from several dif. manufacturers. I already have my handgun permit ready to go.

I'm mainly going to be using the gun for target shooting at the range, maybe IDPA matches, and personal defense - won't be concealed carrying yet, but will consider it in the future.

Originally I was looking at a USP 40 Compact - mainly because I like the brand, the look of the gun, haven't seen anything bad about them, and have had the airsoft version for years. ;) I've also had several people tell me that they love theirs and it has been the best gun they've ever owned. This IS available now after being in and out of stock for months but it's going to cost me about $725 + tax.

The other contender... Springfield XD9 4" model. This is in-stock at my local range for $455 + tax and is what I was going to buy in the next day or two until I saw that the USPs were in stock so I'm a little hesitant now. I've shot the XD9 and XD40 rental guns many times and liked them - I have not shot a USP compact at all. So essentially I'm stuck on basing my opinion on hearsay (internet reviews, owner comments, etc) and brand image. Essentially I'd be buying this gun blind.

Basically I'm trying to decide... is the USP worth the $270+ it would cost me up front plus the few days wait to get it delivered to my local FFL dealer? Or should I go with the XD9 that I can pickup tomorrow. Obviously I could use that money I save by going with the XD for ammo, range bag, cleaning supplies, etc.

Cliffs for the lazy:
Have money for gun
Gun A: USP Compact 40 for $725 + tax. Have not shot one myself. Little money for ammo/supplies.
Gun B: Springfield XD 9 4" for $455 + tax. Have shot this myself. Plenty of money for ammo/supplies.
Torn between the two. Help. :(

The USP is overpriced IMO. The trigger is soft and mushy.

I personally, prefer a consistent trigger pull and thats where the 1911, the XD, and the Glock all stand out.

If you are going to shoot IDPA, the best shooters there run Glocks and 1911's. Some are doing very well with the XD since it mimics a Glock's function.

FWIW, I did IDPA for years and people who shot DA/SA and/or a gun with an incredibly long trigger pull like a USP or a Beretta 92 were some of the slowest out the gate I've ever seen. The high bore axis of the HK compared to the XD will make your splits longer and you less competitive.

Take it for what it's worth.

P.S. Used XD's can be had $300-400 and used USP's I used to buy in the $400-500 range. Never buy an HK new.


Golden Member
Apr 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Kelvrick
Why no sigs?

For real. Have you tried any SIGs? You can get factory recertified SIGs (good as new, same warranty) for under $500. If you're mainly going to be target shooting, the 9mm ammo is cheaper. I would rather have a .40 if I was possibly going to be using it for self defense, though.


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2005
Another XD9 owner here, stainless steel 4" model or "bi-tone" as SA likes to call it. Love mine, will pick up another in .45 when I have the extra cash. I paid $425 for mine 3 years ago, brand new. I'm a little surprised the prices are still around that area with all of the other models out. Anyway, it's a great piece and it will give you excellent reliability and longevity if you take care of it.



Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
Makarov knockoff of Walther P-38. Think of the money you'll save. Besides when the boogeyman comes, he'll be just as dead with .380 slug bouncing around in his head than he will be with a .40 slug. Of coarse you'll have to practice like a thousand times more.

Oh and when it falls apart, it won't matter, you can buy another...
Jun 27, 2005
Originally posted by: BlancoNino
I have a Springfield XD .45 GAP. It's pretty damn sweet....compact design + .45 rounds FTW.

I got an XD .40 last summer. Best gun I've ever fired. I love it. So smooth.
May 31, 2001
I don't know about the USP Compact trigger, but the trigger on the full-sized H&K USP-40 was a disappointment to me. Too much creep. I know the compact models run more, but my full-sized one only ran me $525.00 to $550.00 if I remember right. I usually don't buy from stores, but rather from dealers that sell out of their homes and only mark them up 10% + shipping.

I hope to sell it this Spring and pick up an XD chambered for 9mm or .40 S&W.

Don't purchase one thing just because another is out of stock, and definitely don't purchase something you haven't been able to try yourself.