I already tried that, still not working, i have the latest drivers for the card and the WDM drivers. I'm using the ulead software that came with it, and nothing shows up on the screen. I also have adobe premier, virtual dub and many other video capture software apps, and they all can't detect any video capture card... in my device manager however, I can see the the all the wdm drivers installed! This is very strange!
I have checked the cables and all the connections and they are perfect. I have had this card for about 3 months now, and I could never get the video capture to work, expect once but it showed up in black and white. UGH, i really hate gainward or Nvidia whoever is responcible for this mess and lack of support for this issue.
I'm usin windows 98 first edition btw. I also heard other people having trouble with the WDM and video capture, seems like Nvidia doesn't really care about this, which is why I'm really getting dissapointed and angry
