Ok, do the WDM drivers for Geforce 3 work at all ??


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2002
I can never get my Gainward geforce 3 powerpack !!! to capture anything! This is really staring to piss me off. Has anyone got these nvidia wdm drivers to capture anything ?? :(


Junior Member
Feb 13, 2002
I already tried that, still not working, i have the latest drivers for the card and the WDM drivers. I'm using the ulead software that came with it, and nothing shows up on the screen. I also have adobe premier, virtual dub and many other video capture software apps, and they all can't detect any video capture card... in my device manager however, I can see the the all the wdm drivers installed! This is very strange!

I have checked the cables and all the connections and they are perfect. I have had this card for about 3 months now, and I could never get the video capture to work, expect once but it showed up in black and white. UGH, i really hate gainward or Nvidia whoever is responcible for this mess and lack of support for this issue.

I'm usin windows 98 first edition btw. I also heard other people having trouble with the WDM and video capture, seems like Nvidia doesn't really care about this, which is why I'm really getting dissapointed and angry :( :|


Platinum Member
Nov 24, 1999
This might be a dumb question, but are you sure you have the VIVO card?

My Gainward powerpack! has the TV daughtercard, but the cable it shipped with has only the TVout (yellow) connector. I've never tried to get the TVin connector to see if the HW is the same, but possibly your card is only TV out?



Junior Member
Feb 13, 2002
I'm positive it is the vivo version because there are 2 video inputs (s-video and composite) and 2 outputs (also s-video and composite). I contacted gainward about this, but it seems no one there speaks english on Mandrian. They kept saying "Donlod Nu driva" I'm guessing he said "Download new driver" I already did that and it didn't solve the problem. Does any one else have the gainward powerpack 3 !!! vivo. Can you tell me how you got your card to capture video?? DId you have to do a bios update?? :(...