I found an easier way of doing the above... I would take a couple of thigs like a pen, chopstick, or stick and a peice of string (just bigger then the hole, same size as the mesh) Glue/tape them into an "x". Then you take the string and wrap it around the contraption, then take the ends of the string/twine and thread it through the mesh. Now feed the whole thing into the hole, The mesh should be a little bigger then the hole itself, but not by much. The pen/stick is now on the other side of the mesh and using the string, you can hold it in place. Then you can put putty/plaster around the edgesbut leaving about a dime size left in the middle. cut your strings and let the contraption fall into the wall (hey you won't see it, so who cares?) when the plaster is dry, go back and fill in the dime size hole, and texture it to match the rest of the wall.