OH NO! Reports that Bush may have doctored his service record..


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Too bad Bush isn't a Deomcrat. He's starting to look more amd more like one of our candidates.

""A former officer in the Texas National Guard claimed Bush had doctored his military record. Bill Burkett, a former lieutenant-colonel, said Bush
aides had been "scrubbing the files" to bury disparities between his record while serving as a reserve pilot during the Vietnam war and an account of
the period in his official biography.... Burkett said Bush aides had visited the National Guard headquarters at Camp Mabry 'on numerous occasions'
to make sure that records available to the public about his military service would tally with his autobiography's version of his time as a reserve pilot
during the Vietnam war. Bush has always said he was 'discharged with honour' from the force, although it is known he was once grounded for failing
to undergo a medical examination, and he reportedly went absent without leave." More information will be provided later, since the Boston Globe
intends to break the story in the United States in its Sunday edition. -"


Oct 9, 1999
Wow, the liberals are REALLY getting desperate. The inside daily tracking polls must show Bore getting his ass kicked.

Russ, NCNE


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 1999
Red Dawn, are you insulting FOX news?! I CAN'T believe it! Any news program but FOX, they are so unbiased and reasonable in their broadcasts as opposed to that commi channel, "CNN Headline News."



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Still....Gore claimed his time in Vietnam was much more then it really was...I read something in either US News or Newsweek, saying Gore had stated that he routinly pulled patrol duty, spent his share of time walking through the elephant grass, and was under fire several times. According to another Vietnam vet, Gore's position in the army ment that the only patrol he'd ever have was guarding the officers quarters, and most likly, the only time he was under fire in the elephant grass was when he was enjoying a drink in one of the bars, and a GI's serivce pistol accidently went off, and Gore ran into a planter of elephant grass when he was trying to get away.

All this stuff that keeps surfacing about Bush is really suspicious. The drunk driving thing had finally blown over, with it being more beneficial for Bush, because the public liked how he admitted it, rather then trying to work his way around it. I think these stories will hurt Gore more then Bush, because no matter how hard he tries to deny it, it still LOOKS like his campain had something to do with it.

Hehe, can you guess who I voted for? :p


Golden Member
Jan 20, 2000
It just like Leno said the other night ... wow the first dang time Al Gore hasn't tried to take credit for something ... lol


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yup, the giantic, increasingly monopolistic media-intertainment corporations are really hot for communism. Must be their guilty consciences over profit and the narcoleptic pabulum they call new.


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
I told you shrub was a FANG who enlisted when I did and he wouldn't make a pimple on my ass as far as Commander in Chief. He by passed 100,000+ registrants with the help and influence of Daddy(Of whom I have respect for!)to get in and then,(my assesment) he was Awol from the guard because he was a playboy party dude with to much drugs in his blood to pass the physical he was supposed to take.Had he taken a physical,he would have been exposed to his Daddy and that would have been too embarassing for his family, hence stay awol and get daddy's help to doctor the records.


Double Trouble

Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hmmmm.... lets see, the Boston paper is behind this. Wow. That's a shock. Next thing you know, someone's gonna tell me the skinhead daily news is saying the civil rights movement is a sham. What will the world come to. ;)

I agree with Russ. The media pinkos (probably especially those in Comrade Kennedy's area) are getting really nervous about having their comrade lose this one. They're gettin REALLY desperate and pulling out all the stops. Puhleeze. These were the same morons that claimed the whole Monica affair was a "conservative conspiracy" against the good innocent president.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Yup tagej, but do you notice how much you now sound just like those morons did then. They were blind because they were proved wrong with time. You can only hope that doesn't happen to you. Fact is you know no more than they did.


Golden Member
Oct 14, 1999
Well, Bush can either answer the questions straight forward, or continue to not answer them, just like he won't answer drug questions......