Oh man.. I just got back from a party.. this girl....


Jun 1, 2002
Alcohol + Missing my gf for 2 weeks + Party + Girls around you = :eek:

Oh man.. I just got back from my friend's 20th birthday party.. I was reluctant to go, I was feeling lazy, just wanted to play Homeworld and nef for the rest of the sat. night... But I ended up going because I promised so.

So I decided to get ready to get picked up: took shower, got out of my geek PJs, gelled my hair, put on some black slique wears. I got my friend a dozen of carnation for $5.99 at a local gas station as the last minute present.

I arrived there a bit late around 8:30pm, an hour and an half late than the original starting time. (I'm bit buzzed, excuse my sucky grammar) Upon arrival, I gave the birthday girl a big hug and presented the flowers. She was very happy to see me. The party was held on her bf's apartment. It was a pretty nice place, strobe lights flashing in the dark, music blasting and dark figures of people dancing. I busted out my Canon Elph S110 to get our pix (which i got for $280~ from Hotdeals about a year ago) taken but the friggin cam ran out of battery.

After the initial excitement, the party was as I expected: It was boring. I didn't really know anyone besides the birthday girl, and despite the acquantances (sp? drunk) that greeted me very kindly, it wasn't too fun. "man.. I got dressed up for nothing." I thought to myself as I twisted the cap off of Corona.

I have a beautiful gf of one year and two+ months. I don't know about you, but everytime I find myself at club-like situations, all I seem to think about is my gf. Because I want to dance you see, but my head knows much better than that. When a slow music came out, I just sat there picturing my gf whom I haven't seen for quite a while. Some random girl grabbed me and slow danced with me but I guess it's ok, because she was grinning like a fool and taking turns with other guys.

But then... I noticed this other girl...

She was about 5'5", slim and wearing this pink top with two laces dangling on her chest.. and the top cut right between her breasts in a conservatively provokative way... She also had this straight hair down to her back with a cute baby face. I couldn't stop staring at her. By that time I had about 2 coronas and 3 flaming shots of something really hard.

I just couldn't stop staring at her.. alcohol or not, she was really attractive. Now, the faithfulness is the best thing I boast about myself in a relationship. It's without a doubt I'm a very trustworthy guy and my gf knows that. But with alcohol saturating my mind + missing my gf like crazy since the spring semester started, I found myself thinking things with my other head.

If I was single, I definitely would've went after her. I'm pretty extravert at that. For the first time in 14 months of our priceless relationship, I was infatuated with another girl to a considerable level. Of course it was superficial, shallow, and temporary but I had a hard time supressing the urge.

So what did LOLyourFACE do? He decided to remove himself from the party like a good boy despite his raging hormones like the niagara fall. As the guy who gave me the ride was leaving early, I asked him to drop me off. And guess what, that girl was leaving as well and we ended up in the same car.

We were driving back and I asked her some questions nonchalantly. "Do you goto my college as well?" "Where you from?" and to my surprise, she said she was a senior in high school!!!! WTF!?!? omg.. with a body like that... And I told her I was very surprised and one of the chatty girl in the backseat said, "hey, someone's interested" This lit my face with burning embarrassment. I thought I was pretty casual but alcohol definitely deluded my awareness....

When we got to my dorm, the chatty girls and the guy wished a me good night but the girl in pink didn't, I bet she sensed some awkwardness from me, that's why.

So here I am, neffing and sharing the story to you. I just got off the phone with my gf and told her how much missed her ESPECIALLY TONIGHT. I'm gonna play some homeworld and sleep...

Now you share some story when you were very tempted while in a relationship...


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2001
Good one..Now tell us the real story. You tried to hook up with Ms. Pretty in Pink right? And then she threw up the rejection sign.


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Well, this one time I really cut my right hand pretty bad.

Woah, that was scary. Ole' Lefty was pretty insistent but no way was he going to encroach on righty's turf.



Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2001
Originally posted by: agnitrate
Well, this one time I really cut my right hand pretty bad.

Woah, that was scary. Ole' Lefty was pretty insistent but no way was he going to encroach on righty's turf.



Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
Originally posted by: agnitrate
Well, this one time I really cut my right hand pretty bad.

Woah, that was scary. Ole' Lefty was pretty insistent but no way was he going to encroach on righty's turf.


Haha :D


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
I have a beautiful gf of one year and two+ months. I don't know about you, but everytime I find myself at club-like situations, all I seem to think about is my gf.

Funny I feel the same too. When I go out clubbing without my gf I miss her more as I know she can dance the hell out of any girl and look dam sexy :D

I've not been tempted. I'm a confident bloke and can pull with girls but I love my girlfriend and never thought of cheating.

Why have burgers when you get steak at home I say?! [motto I thinks pretty cool for guys verging on cheating or just a reminder to how special your gf is to you

lol @ left hand.....fvck guys get out and meet people and girls!


Golden Member
Nov 19, 2000
Originally posted by: agnitrate
Well, this one time I really cut my right hand pretty bad.

Woah, that was scary. Ole' Lefty was pretty insistent but no way was he going to encroach on righty's turf.




Jun 1, 2002
Originally posted by: agnitrate
Well, this one time I really cut my right hand pretty bad.

Woah, that was scary. Ole' Lefty was pretty insistent but no way was he going to encroach on righty's turf.


what if you're left handed like i am? :Q

oopss too much info.. must resist neffing while... drunk...


Diamond Member
Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: LOLyourFace
Originally posted by: agnitrate
Well, this one time I really cut my right hand pretty bad.

Woah, that was scary. Ole' Lefty was pretty insistent but no way was he going to encroach on righty's turf.


what if you're left handed like i am? :Q

oopss too much info.. must resist neffing while... drunk...

I am lefty too. More ambidextrous really but I just wanted to generalize the joke so more people could associate with it ;)



Sep 21, 2001
Good move for you, not doing anything, making the effort to remove yourself from temptation, and staying just generally head, heart, and body loyal to your gf. Have a cookie


Senior member
Jan 11, 2002
There was this girl at my old job that for some reason wanted my body. She was about to get married and I have a long-trem girlfriend
(3+ years). I have to admit I was really tempted (she was hot), and she was really pushing me. I even made plans to meet her, but cancelled them because I was already feeling guilty. I am SO GLAD I didn't. My conscience (sp?) would have killed me! I still feel bad now when I think about it, coming so close to cheating on my girl! (Please excuse any spelling\grammar--I'm a bit buzzed myself.)


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Feb 18, 2001
Originally posted by: agnitrate
Well, this one time I really cut my right hand pretty bad.

Woah, that was scary. Ole' Lefty was pretty insistent but no way was he going to encroach on righty's turf.




Jun 1, 2002
Originally posted by: Hatari Chic
Good move for you, not doing anything, making the effort to remove yourself from temptation, and staying just generally head, heart, and body loyal to your gf. Have a cookie

thanks. nice to see you around the forum. did mods change your name to hatari? what does that mean? sounds japanese.


Jun 1, 2002
Originally posted by: mattgyver1
There was this girl at my old job that for some reason wanted my body. She was about to get married and I have a long-trem girlfriend
(3+ years). I have to admit I was really tempted (she was hot), and she was really pushing me. I even made plans to meet her, but cancelled them because I was already feeling guilty. I am SO GLAD I didn't. My conscience (sp?) would have killed me! I still feel bad now when I think about it, coming so close to cheating on my girl! (Please excuse any spelling\grammar--I'm a bit buzzed myself.)

call me silly but sometimes I wish there was an alternate world I could optionally live in... to do things the other way.. and suffer no consequences from it whatsoever.


Sep 21, 2001
Originally posted by: LOLyourFace
Originally posted by: Hatari Chic
Good move for you, not doing anything, making the effort to remove yourself from temptation, and staying just generally head, heart, and body loyal to your gf. Have a cookie

thanks. nice to see you around the forum. did mods change your name to hatari? what does that mean? sounds japanese.

Swahili. It's the name of a film nobody's seen that I like, and it means danger. I like it. Danger: chic with trout! :)


Senior member
Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: LOLyourFace
Originally posted by: mattgyver1
There was this girl at my old job that for some reason wanted my body. She was about to get married and I have a long-trem girlfriend
(3+ years). I have to admit I was really tempted (she was hot), and she was really pushing me. I even made plans to meet her, but cancelled them because I was already feeling guilty. I am SO GLAD I didn't. My conscience (sp?) would have killed me! I still feel bad now when I think about it, coming so close to cheating on my girl! (Please excuse any spelling\grammar--I'm a bit buzzed myself.)

call me silly but sometimes I wish there was an alternate world I could optionally live in... to do things the other way.. and suffer no consequences from it whatsoever.

Yes. . . that would come in rather handy. . .


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 16, 1999
Do you want a cookie?


Jan 15, 2001
Originally posted by: agnitrate
Well, this one time I really cut my right hand pretty bad.

Woah, that was scary. Ole' Lefty was pretty insistent but no way was he going to encroach on righty's turf.





Dec 4, 2001
Originally posted by: agnitrate
Well, this one time I really cut my right hand pretty bad.

Woah, that was scary. Ole' Lefty was pretty insistent but no way was he going to encroach on righty's turf.


haha, great stuff


Jan 30, 2003
Great job man, I really admire you for doing that. Especially if you know she would have put out.

My closest temptation was when my hot 17 year old friend was over one day, and we were alone. She is like 5'5" 120, black hair, green eyes, with C cups and was wearing very little (nipple revealing tanktop)...She always hit on me and my fiance never really trusted her. We were just chillin', then we started talking about relationships and all that. She tried to point out how my fiance would "never find out" and she laid down next to me with her head on my leg. I think she was to nervous to physically force the issue so she just kept trying to verbally persuade me and then gave me an ultimatum, "Well listen, if we don't do anything now I'm not going to expect anything from you anymore."

I just sat in silence for awhile, totally paralyzed by a million scenerios of my life in the near and far future if I did it. The logical and primitive parts of my brain battled it out, and eventually logic won. I was lucky she didn't make a sudden move on me...It is dissapointing to me that I have to admit that if I want to be honest. I drove her home before my fiance came home, and she continued to talk about it on the way. When she opened the door, I finally had relief.

Ironically even after telling my fiance exactly what happened, they ended up making out a little about a week later after us three and a guy friend all got trashed on Everclear. My friend and I requested them to though, and 3 out of 4 of us ended up vomiting before the night was through. Now me and her are just friends, but see eachother very little. I guess that is a good thing.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
I think you should have had sex with her. Humans aren't made to have the same mate for life. It's all about spreading your seed.

This is just my opinion of course.


Mar 21, 2002
...and you'll remember this and many other moments, after you break up with your girlfriend.