Official X1900 Reviews **Updated** 16 REVIEWS


Senior member
Feb 16, 2005
Originally posted by: Slitherythesnake
Too bad they only test it with 3dmarks. Even those scores seem a little low...

did you read their claimed performancee of the GTX.? talk about kind of low..... i read it and in the end it says. I hope you enjoyed the PREVIEW.
I was too eagre and should have read the whole thing.

The memory is 1.1ns and should run faster than their increadibly dull 75mhz overclock. its raed at 900mhz is it not. same memory as the GTX512.

OMG If ATI have these chips on their XT at $550 RRP card, then Nvidia were really búllsh1tting about the availability being low because of the chips, or maybee ATI paid more.!!!!!!!
Which is it Nvidia . Come on, release the X-file.
I am off to bed, Please oh please dont make this thread an absolute mess whilst i'm gone ;). goodnight Anand.
Please no Fud or Muck spreading,


Senior member
Feb 16, 2005
Originally posted by: SickBeast
Their website is down now. How many 3Dmarks did the X1900's get?

17000 (03)
29000 (03)Xfire
12100 (05)xfire
10300 (05) with a stock FX53. this i belive is very good with that CPU.
4500 (06)
6400 (06)Xfire

All with the FX53. which is very good in my oppinion.

Most reviews will probably be with an FX60. scores should be more spectacular.

the Chase

Golden Member
Sep 22, 2005
I thought the launch was for the 24th. Everyone has been quoting Monday. When did this change? Really looking forward to them either way. Also I wish the link above worked- I could have sworn these cards were going to use the 1.2ns memory and not the 1.1ns like the GTX. That would be a major upside suprise if they actually use the 1.1ns for these!!(I'll have to see it to believe it though).


Elite Member
Oct 15, 2004
Originally posted by: the Chase
I thought the launch was for the 24th. Everyone has been quoting Monday. When did this change? Really looking forward to them either way. Also I wish the link above worked- I could have sworn these cards were going to use the 1.2ns memory and not the 1.1ns like the GTX. That would be a major upside suprise if they actually use the 1.1ns for these!!(I'll have to see it to believe it though).

"Monday" is January 23, 2006. :)

-I've never heard 24th anywhere

the Chase

Golden Member
Sep 22, 2005
Originally posted by: xtknight
Originally posted by: the Chase
I thought the launch was for the 24th. Everyone has been quoting Monday. When did this change? Really looking forward to them either way. Also I wish the link above worked- I could have sworn these cards were going to use the 1.2ns memory and not the 1.1ns like the GTX. That would be a major upside suprise if they actually use the 1.1ns for these!!(I'll have to see it to believe it though).

"Monday" is January 23, 2006. :)

-I've never heard 24th anywhere
Well here's to hoping your right about it!:beer:


Elite Member
Oct 15, 2004
Oh, well The Inquirer says officially available Tuesday (24th) so I don't know. Chinese sites will probably have it sooner though so expect benchmarks.

the Chase

Golden Member
Sep 22, 2005
Just saw the OCworkbench "review" or preview and it seems the board they have is not a retail board- BUT it has 1.1ns memory on it!!(As a previous poster already said in this thread). Wow I hope the retail boards have the same. Nice suprise. But they were only able to get the memory frequency up to 800?? Kind of low for that memory. Can't wait for reviews tomorrow.