Just got back from a trip to Best Buy, Staples, and Micro Center.
Best Buy was by far the worst. Everything sold out at 6am. On to Staples... almost got the last 19" Samsung WS LCD... almost.
Then on to Micro Center. No more $89.99 19" LCD's but I managed to get one of their 160 GB $14.99(after $80 MIR:roll: ) HD's after standing in a checkout line for about an hour so I suppose it wasn't totally fruitless but what a hassle.
If you haven't gone out to the stores yet, DON'T!
Best Buy was by far the worst. Everything sold out at 6am. On to Staples... almost got the last 19" Samsung WS LCD... almost.
Then on to Micro Center. No more $89.99 19" LCD's but I managed to get one of their 160 GB $14.99(after $80 MIR:roll: ) HD's after standing in a checkout line for about an hour so I suppose it wasn't totally fruitless but what a hassle.
If you haven't gone out to the stores yet, DON'T!