Odd problem with shortcut keys in SC2


Diamond Member
Oct 21, 2006
Hi guys,

I have Starcraft II installed on both my desktop and my notebook. On the desktop, everything functions as expected. However, on the notebook, the shortcut keys seem to be messed up or not working.

For example, with an SCV selected, pressing "B" on the keyboard does not open the build menu. With the build menu (manually) opened, pressing any hotkey to build a building does not work. Pressing "G" (I think) toggles a map ping. With units selected, pressing "A" does not toggle an attack move.

Furthermore, clicking on the minimap doesn't focus the screen on that section, it toggles a map ping instead. It's almost as if the ALT key is stuck down, though I don't have any trouble in any other programs.

Thanks. :)


Senior member
Apr 6, 2003
You sure your alt key isn't stuck?

Alt G is the default ping.

Try tapping your ALT and CTRL keys just in case