OCZ vertex 4 uses marvell controller


Golden Member
Feb 18, 2010

Wow, they just flat out lie to their customers to sell a product. I will never buy from them again (already decided that after the Vertex 2 crap they pulled).

I realize this does not change anything regarding the performance of the drive, but still, people do not know what they are getting when they buy OCZ. It could be anything inside the box.

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Platinum Member
Jul 17, 2010
Indilinx "Infused" is a very clever way of advertising it.

But they definitely lead people to believe it was an all in house job minus the NAND.


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2011
I find it hilarious that the ones complaining about this drive not being 100% OCZ built.. are the same ones who don't like them and often whine about their Sandforce based drives panic locking them out.

Because, if the haters distrust OCZ that much?.. why would you want to buy, or even see, another controller designed by them released in a new product?

Seems to me that there are plenty of Marvell advocates around here and they would be happy to see what performance tweaks may lie ahead for those types of drive configs.

Damned if you do.. damned if you don't.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2011
Umm... what's the issue here? If anything, you should be congratulating them for using NAND from Marvell since they're a very reputable company.


Platinum Member
Jul 17, 2010
I find it hilarious that the ones complaining about this drive not being 100% OCZ built.. are the same ones who don't like them and often whine about their Sandforce based drives panic locking them out.

Because, if the haters distrust OCZ that much?.. why would you want to buy, or even see, another controller designed by them released in a new product?

Seems to me that there are plenty of Marvell advocates around here and they would be happy to see what performance tweaks may lie ahead for those types of drive configs.

Damned if you do.. damned if you don't.
Woah, rewind. I don't believe this is the case. OCZ bought Indilinx and then released Octane, which was widely advertised as an OCZ "controller" with OCZ firmware being a given assumption. Then there was lots of waffle about how as this was their own SSD they would have much tighter control on validation, testing and bug fixes.

The fact is they have misled everybody, again, and all of this OCZ/Indilinx Infused has brought is is a firmware house. Everything else again is "off the shelf".

Ps- I fully understand that firmware is the most critical element regarding validation, testing and bug fixes but thats not the point I am making.


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2011
Everything else again is "off the shelf".

Nope.. you'd be wrong there. I can't say much more than OCZ has made public at this point.. but the silicone is NOT identical. There are some differences involved.


Platinum Member
Jul 17, 2010
Bottom line is they misled everybody to think that Octane and Vertex 4 was an in house job under their newly acquired Indilinx brand and it's nothing of the sort. They have taken either off the shelf silicone or had Marvell mod it for them and developed their own firmware for it. Not I am not personally knocking that, but they shouldn't have led us on the way they did. For AT to release a entirely seperate article to "confirm" it's Marvell silicone means to me they even lead Anand up the path, or allowed an assumption to go as fact until somebody rumbled them.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2000
OCZ really upped their shell game. They tried to keep any HD pictures from copious release day reviews and prying eyes revealing a Marvell chip. Next, they will be silk-screening their NAND de-jour with their vastly superior Indilinx Infusion Tech™. lol

Reading comments from OCZ reps, it’s obvious how they will never admit to understanding the gravity or consequences. We consumers need to speak out more, with our postings and wallets.
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No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I have heard so much crap about OCZ products that I never even consider them. You name a product, they've had a major problem with them.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2011
Woah, rewind. I don't believe this is the case. OCZ bought Indilinx and then released Octane, which was widely advertised as an OCZ "controller" with OCZ firmware being a given assumption. Then there was lots of waffle about how as this was their own SSD they would have much tighter control on validation, testing and bug fixes.

The fact is they have misled everybody, again, and all of this OCZ/Indilinx Infused has brought is is a firmware house. Everything else again is "off the shelf".

Ps- I fully understand that firmware is the most critical element regarding validation, testing and bug fixes but thats not the point I am making.

Who cares? Seriously, what kind of an 'argument' is this?


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2011
Bottom line is they misled everybody to think that Octane and Vertex 4 was an in house job under their newly acquired Indilinx brand and it's nothing of the sort. They have taken either off the shelf silicone or had Marvell mod it for them and developed their own firmware for it. Not I am not personally knocking that, but they shouldn't have led us on the way they did. For AT to release a entirely seperate article to "confirm" it's Marvell silicone means to me they even lead Anand up the path, or allowed an assumption to go as fact until somebody rumbled them.

Get over it.

Marvell is a great company and they make excellent NAND chips.


Platinum Member
Jul 17, 2010
You don't even know what you are talking about.

Marvell make the controller. OCZ buy the bulk of their NAND from Intel, who make it under their IMFT company.

So with that straightened out, yes, Marvell do make very good SSD controllers as the m4 and various others have proven. If OCZ released a Marvell based SSD with their own firmware like Crucial and Intel have, nobody would have said anything, just like they didnt then.

The fact is yet again they have given their customers the two fingered salute and let us to believe they had pushed the envelope in the SSD manufacturer world and had become an SSD controller and firmware supplier which would allow them to offer a more integrated and refined solution with better testing and validation. None of this is true.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2011
You don't even know what you are talking about.

Marvell make the controller. OCZ buy the bulk of their NAND from Intel, who make it under their IMFT company.

So with that straightened out, yes, Marvell do make very good SSD controllers as the m4 and various others have proven. If OCZ released a Marvell based SSD with their own firmware like Crucial and Intel have, nobody would have said anything, just like they didnt then.

The fact is yet again they have given their customers the two fingered salute and let us to believe they had pushed the envelope in the SSD manufacturer world and had become an SSD controller and firmware supplier which would allow them to offer a more integrated and refined solution with better testing and validation. None of this is true.

It. Doesn't. Matter.

And your last paragraph is a completely sensationalist exaggeration. Yes, they're using Marvell NAND. How is that bad? Marvell makes great NAND. Stop complaining about non-issues.


Platinum Member
Jul 26, 2001

Wow, they just flat out lie to their customers to sell a product. I will never buy from them again (already decided that after the Vertex 2 crap they pulled).

I realize this does not change anything regarding the performance of the drive, but still, people do not know what they are getting when they buy OCZ. It could be anything inside the box.
Where is the lie?

Since Marvell does not make SSD's, I don't see what the problem is..

All they need to know is that they are getting an OCZ drive. If OCZ was buying drives from Cucial and sticking the OCZ label on them, then you might have a point.

As long as the drive performs at spec, people are getting what they pay for ..
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Golden Member
Mar 17, 2011
OCZ really upped their shell game. They tried to keep any HD pictures from copious release day reviews and prying eyes revealing a Marvell chip. Next, they will be silk-screening their NAND de-jour with their vastly superior Indilinx Infusion Tech™. lol

Reading comments from OCZ reps, it’s obvious how they will never admit to understanding the gravity or consequences. We consumers need to speak out more, with our postings and wallets.

While I definately agree with the first comment.. what did you expect? Full disclosure.. like every other mfgr does? lol It's downright silly to assume that any mfgr OWES you every bit of detail that you require. It's called Intillectual Property and they can do what they want with it... when they want with it.

And making the assumption that they have somehow "duped us again"?.. ROFLMAO.. the damned thing just came out and they've sold like 14 drives so far! If anything?.. they should be commended a tiny bit for "coming clean" at such an early state. I can only imagine what all the cyncial haters would be saying if they had waited 6 months to tell you what was up. :oops:

And if you're referring to me as a "rep"?... that's LOL funny. I've spent far far too much of my own cash on their products to be called a rep. I own no stock in that company and don't get paid either, so I come here of my own accord and based on my own experiences.

so, if your experiences with OCZ have sucked?.. that's really too bad for you and anyone else that had to deal with it and I do feel bad for most. Just don't make the narrow minded assumption that everyone else has had the same experience.

Because from my knowledge base and experience with their hardware on many machines?.. they work as intended and often go beyond factory spec's in most cases. I've bought fewer drives from other mfgrs and killed 2 by now. Doesn't mean that I'll be running around making the assumption that all of those SSD users will have the same issue though. Blinders and too much passion will often blur perspectives from narrow vision and emotion. Nether of which is good for seeing clearly.


Platinum Member
Jul 17, 2010
It. Doesn't. Matter.

And your last paragraph is a completely sensationalist exaggeration. Yes, they're using Marvell NAND. How is that bad? Marvell makes great NAND. Stop complaining about non-issues.
Even after I pointed it out, you still don't know the difference between NAND and a controller. If that is the case then there really is no point continuing.


Platinum Member
Jul 17, 2010
And making the assumption that they have somehow "duped us again"?.. ROFLMAO.. the damned thing just came out and they've sold like 14 drives so far!
Octane is Marvell as well and thats been out months, so that doesn't work.


Golden Member
Mar 17, 2011
Octane is Marvell as well and thats been out months, so that doesn't work.

Doesn't work? LOL What can I say to that? You want me to coddle you guys here? Kiss your boo-boo's even? Get over it already and save the thespian drama for the stage.

Fact is this. The drive works.

Why did you buy it in the first place?.. on controller design alone? What do you know about that controllers function or possibility that it would be so much better than the others? Err?.. wait.. do you even own one?

Here's how the bulk of people buy drives. Reviews and testing from other users. Now,.. does any of that hard data change after you find out that drive is a revised M4? Shouldn't matter one little bit if the drive is functioning as it was originally advertised.. unless you have something against Marvell, I guess.

This is just yet another bash-fest for those who like to watch boxing matches between the fanboys and the flamers. And to further that trend here?.. my guy has bigger knockout punches than your guy. :D


Platinum Member
Jul 17, 2010
This discussion is not based around the technical advantages of their chosen path or anything like that. It is based on yet again OCZ's questionable public relations and customer deception. OCZ released Octane in like Nov 11 against a wash of articles all over the web about how this is OCZ's first Indilinx in house controller and all of the advantages that would bring over two dodgy generations of SandForce controllers. OCZ were happy to ride that wave even pushing it themselves with their "Indilinx Infused" (which I now think is very "clever") knowing full well they hadn't done anything different than Crucial with the m4 or Intel with the 510. At most it sounds like they convinced Marvell to bump the clock a bit.


Diamond Member
Mar 26, 2011
Even after I pointed it out, you still don't know the difference between NAND and a controller. If that is the case then there really is no point continuing.

It. Doesn't. Matter.

The NAND controller is from Marvell, not some crappy no-name company.
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Diamond Member
Nov 29, 1999
It. Doesn't. Matter.

The NAND is from Marvell, not some crappy no-name company.

It is hard to take your posts seriously when you cannot differentiate between a NAND controller and the NAND flash memory.

Marvell does not manufacture NAND flash memory.