Managed to get hold of two sticks of 256MB for £115 second-hand, although used only lightly for three months by previous owner. Anyone had any practical experience with this RAM? Should I be able to reach 220Mhz FSB with ease with these babies on my NF7-S? I'm kind of stuck at 11*200 at the moment (multiplier won't go any higher and RAM can't handle more than 200Mhz FSB) and with 11*220 I should hit a sweet 2420Mhz, maybe 11*225 if i'm lucky.
Basically, was the RAM a good purchase? I haven't had it shipped to me yet so i'm just waiting...waiting... (drums fingeres on desk impatiently).
Basically, was the RAM a good purchase? I haven't had it shipped to me yet so i'm just waiting...waiting... (drums fingeres on desk impatiently).