OCing wrecked my Raptor?


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004

I am out of ideas, so here i am.
My rig specs are in my sig.

I decided to try to OC my 3200+ on my my Asus K8V SE Deluxe, since according to a few people here & elsewhere, it has AGP/PCI locks at 234/267/300, & i figured, why not?

Last night i gave it a try, but no go.
I wasn't sure if the SATA ports were locked, & being a bit worried, i decided to disconnect my two storage SATA drives, & just attempt to get into Windows @ 234 [FSB] with the Raptor.
Today, i set everything back to stock to get back into Windows, & updated my Bios from 1004 to 1005.

Well, ever since the attempted run at 234...all hell broke loose.
I got random freezes in Windows within a couple minutes of startup, & opening UT2k4 or most programs would cause freezing or BSODs (NOT related to the UT2k4 + SP2 + A64 bug; that i have taken care of by running the old drivers).
I decided to re-image my OS drive, but for some reason, Drive Image kept giving me errors & wouldn't re-image for me.
So reformat it was.
Usually that's a piece of cake for me, but this time i cannot get anywhere :|.
Every effing time i tried to reinstall i got a different BSOD at some time during the install, many of which i had never heard of.

Chkdsk says the HDD is okay, though it did repair some files.
My HDD-checker utility is currently checking it as well, & so far it's good.

WTF can i do? :confused:

All these components were working flawlessly before i tried OCing & updated the bios.

Did i screw up my Raptor?
Or maybe the new bios is not agreeing with my setup?

I do not know what else to try, since after over ten attempted Windows reinstalls...i know something is very wrong.

Any help or advice would be appreciated :)


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Yeah everything's at default stock settings...i never ever could get into Windows with the attempted OC in the first place.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Flash back and see....

I dont like Via boards!!! I heard about those specific fsb where locks were supposed to be engaged.....Get a real board like Nforces were they are locked all the time and my raptor is safe and sound....

Run memtest86 and make sure it is not the memory flaking out on you...Bad or going bad memory can potentially do and feel like the same thing....


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
I don't like the mobo either...just i got it in that AMD bundle a while ago, & i didn't have the money to take the loss in selling it at the time, & don't really now either.

I really wish i woulda just left it alone, since all was well before...but the thought of 11*234 or even 10* was rather appealing :(

I have to get to bed now, but i will try flashing it back tomorrow...that was gonna be the next thing i tried anyway.
It was freezing/BSODing before i updated the bios though, so i have a feeling it's not the bios.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2003
I would run memtest, and run chkdsk on the hard drive, overclocking can sometimes corrupt the data on the hard drive, and chkdsk will find errors if it did. If chkdsk finds no errors, then run the WD diagnostics on the drive.


Oct 9, 1999
Before you run Chkdsk, connect the drive up as a slave to another...
copy any data you want to keep...

I had Windows 2000 get corrupted (somehow) from running a routine chkdsk (full). I connected it up as a slave to another HD... I could access the data, but didn't copy anything.
I ran a "Repair" on the OS... It got 50% done, then said the OS was corrupted. The "Repair" wouldn't continue on after that.
I reconnected the HD as a slave again... But this time NOTHING could be found on the HD! I eventually had to pay $40 for File Scavenger to get the data off the disk that I needed.

Corrupted HD - 160GB Seagate with Windows 2000 (all updates installed), Non-OC system.
Functioning HD - 36GB Raptor with Windows XP Pro (all updates installed), Non-OC system.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
I have all my data saved on the other drives, fortunately.

I am running Memtest again, though i'm sure my memory is still fine.

The big problem isn't my data (my Raptor is my boot drive; nothing important is on there).
The problem is the fact i cannot even complete a Windows install without a BSOD, which effectively ruins the install.

I'm starting to wonder if it could be my mobo :(


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2001
Sounds like a bad stick of ram to me too...forget memetest, just try one stick or different ram and see what happens.


Golden Member
Oct 8, 2004
Hi, ChkDsk does very little testing of the drive. Mostly directories and organization. Use SCANDISK Thorough or something similar. The drive may be corrupted, but not likely killed. FDisk and Format or similar progs should fix it. Jim


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Wow...i ran an older version of Memtest, & i got a bunch of errors.

I thought maybe it was due to being not updated, since my RAM has been fine before...but the latest version has me sitting with a sh!tload more errors.

Time to borrow my roomie's RAM for testing :p


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2004
I have that board and processor. it doesn't overclock too well. i am at either 11*222 or 223 at the moment. but any further than that and it corrupts the drives. i've tried it at 234 and that don't work either. i will be checking to see if the IDE will handle it eventually because i remember before i got my raptors i was at around 230 or so. We'll see.
As far as I know though there isn't AGP/PCI lock. Can u post links to where you found out there was a lock on the board? I'm interested in reading up on it.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: Tarrant64
I have that board and processor. it doesn't overclock too well. i am at either 11*222 or 223 at the moment. but any further than that and it corrupts the drives. i've tried it at 234 and that don't work either. i will be checking to see if the IDE will handle it eventually because i remember before i got my raptors i was at around 230 or so. We'll see.
As far as I know though there isn't AGP/PCI lock. Can u post links to where you found out there was a lock on the board? I'm interested in reading up on it.

There is no actual AGP/PCI lock on the mobo, but if you check just under the AGP slot, you will see there is a little diagram showing that when the FSB [HTT] is at 200 or 233.3 or 266.6 or 300, it locks the AGP slot at 66.6 & the PCI at 33.3.

Zebo mentioned it to me in this thread, & i remember seeing it mentioned before on other forums.

The thing that i am not so positive on is whether or not the actual SATA ports are locked, which is why i think my install got corrupted initially.



Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Well, i think my Windows CD is messed up too, which would explain why it's complaining about not being able to write files.

I am using a SP2 Slipstreamed version of my SP1 CD...oh woohoo, i just got another BSOD.
I thought i was done with them since putting in the new RAM...no such luck though i guess.

/pulls out hair


Oct 9, 1999
Use My BootDisk to create a set of boot disks for your OS. They've saved my bacon more than once. :laugh:
You'll use the boot disks and the OS CD to load Windows.


Senior member
Nov 3, 2004
i would say delete all the partiitions on the drive and then recreate them and then do a full ntfs format when isntall winxp


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Well, i am just out of ideas...

I did eventually get Windows to install after many many tries...but it would crash within minutes, & opening any program would cause it to freeze or BSOD.

I couldn't even install my network drivers to get on the internet :(

Today i tried to install Windows onto another one my my HDDs...but that's impossible as well apparently.
Basically the same things happened as with the Raptor, so i don't think it can be the HDDs.

I've tried using my SP2 Slipstreamed CD (from an SP1 Windows i had) & my newer offical Windows SP2 CD...same thing with each one pretty much. These are from two different Windows XP Pros i own; they are not the same one

While copying the setup files (with both HDDs & both Windows CDs), it says
"Setup cannot copy so-&-so file" [various different files] serveral times, but it seems to work when i hit retry.

Then once the install is under way (with both HDDs & Windows CDs tried) it says
"Sub-component COM+ raised an exception while processing the OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION setup message.
(line 565)
Error Code = 0x80040206
An unexpected internal error was detected. The COM+ event could not be registered."

Then it freezes & i have to restart the PC & installation.

Then, upon reinitializing the install, i get another error:
" An error has been encountered that prevents setup from continuing. Setup failed to install the product catalogs. This is a fatal error. The setup files should contain more information.
Press OK to view the setup log file."

The log file was way too long for me to write out by hand, but after reading it & saying OK, it crashes again.

I gave up trying to install Windows again...

I dunno wtf to do.
It cannot be the HDDs, as i have tried two.
It cannot be the Windows CDs, as i have tried the two i have.
It cannot be the RAM, i've tried mine (which did get a few errors with Memtest) & my roommates (which tested fine).

I don't understand how hardware can cause Windows to install improperly, but something has to be messing it up everything single time i try to reinstall.

Any ideas would be very much appreciated.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
have you tried different cd or dvd rives when trying to install??? Could be a drive issue....

Also have you tried different cables?? Try different channel for the cd or dvd rive to be plugged into...



Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: Duvie
have you tried different cd or dvd rives when trying to install??? Could be a drive issue....

Also have you tried different cables?? Try different channel for the cd or dvd rive to be plugged into...

Thanx, i'll give that a try :)

This is the most incredibly frustrating problem i've had to deal with since owning my own computers...
On the bright side though, i have two, so i can still get online with my old one :)


Feb 12, 2001
Have you tried low level format? In the RARE event that my >Mac< has a problem I usually go for a low level format. Instead of tearing out more hair though, get a Mac. They're better, trouble-free computers. The Mac Mini is only $500.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: Duvie
have you tried different cd or dvd rives when trying to install??? Could be a drive issue....

Also have you tried different cables?? Try different channel for the cd or dvd rive to be plugged into...

Well, it seems as if your ideas partially worked...

I flashed my bios back to the older 1004 bios & the BSODs seem to have ceased :)
The Windows woes continued though, so...
I switched the DVD-/+RW cable...same problems.
Then i switched the DVD-/+RW out for my old CD-RW...& i was able to get XP installed without any errors :)

Upon entering XP for the first time though, i got a "Generic Host Process for Win32 services has encountered a problem & needs to close" message :(

It seems to be running sorta okay though...sorta only, because for some reason many of my .exe files will not work: "An error has occurred while launching the setup. Catastropic failure" is what it keeps telling me when i try to launch executables :confused:
I had to manually (via the device manager) install my video card drivers & sound card drivers...the other programs like Nero & the Soundblaster Audigy programs will not install :(

Something is still not quite right...i just don't know what.

Thanx again for the replies...keep the ideas coming...



Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Unfortunately now it is time to look at if the cpu or the motherboard are damaged....Have any spare parts for that to work???


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Nope :(

Everything seems fine now except for the fact that i cannot install any programs like 3DMark05.

It's rather odd...any small programs seems to install okay, but larger ones like Nero, 3DMark, etc. give me the Catastrophic Failure error.

UT2k4 is installing now though...

Since none of my benchmarking proggies can install, UT2k4 will have to do for testing for instability.

My normal fix to Windows acting up is to reformat...but i've done that like 20 times this weekend...

I am not sure if it's just a mobo issue though, since the DVDRW seemed to be causing trouble too till i put in the CDRW.
And the RAM tested had a few errors too.

Seems as if i managed to wreck half my components i think :frown:


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Well...that didn't go too well.

It takes all of 5 seconds to BSOD after starting up UT2k4...

I guess it's time to go hunting for a new mobo.

Windows Task Manager just crashed as i type this...lol..'cept it's it's more like COL (crying out loud).

I got Prime 95 installed...i'm just waiting for another crash...