OC'ing Celeron 600mhz


Oct 18, 2000
Hi all!

Celeron 600mhz w/standard heatsink&fan
Aopen AX3S 133mhz
256mb PC100 memory
Geforce2 GTS
SB Live

I'm planning on buying a better heatsink and fan to cool the cpu better, maybe even thinking of having the case open.
But the question is, what do you consider safe overclocking for the cel600 on stock voltage? I'm thinking about taking it to maybe 750mhz or something like that.
Has anyone here got cel600 overclocked? I would appreciate getting your input :)

Thanx in advance


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
According to what I have read on Overclockers.com you 'should' have no trouble.
Just set your FSB to 100 and get flying at 900mhz.
Of course any overclocking is always done at your own risk and voids any warrantee you may or may not believe you are owed should it blow up and take the civilized world with it.
(the lawyers made me say it) :eek: :D


Oct 18, 2000
Hehe :) 900mhz.....I doubt that I'm taking it that high :)
But another thing, does OC'ing the cpu have any undesirable effects on for example the AGP and PCI cards? or the memory?

W/best regards,



Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Look at the overclockers.com database for your chip to see what others are doing.
You really 'should' have no trouble reaching 900. Look at the coolers they are using, some get there and above with standard retail HSF but others are using golden orbs, globalwin etc...
At 100 fsb all your peripherals should be at their stock speed so that wont give you trouble, the only variable is the cpu quality.
I've been running a celeron 300a @ 505mhz for over a year now. That's a FSB of 112mhz.
Compuwiz1 is sending me a P3 700e guaranteed to run @ 933 and I'm putting it on my old BH6 mobo to see if I can hit 933 with this board before I run out and buy a new one. If I do have to get a new mobo then this old BH6 goes to the kids (that celeron 300a will need a good home anyway).
Hope some of this helps, happy OC to you.


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
When you get better cooling set voltage at 1.85 as see how high it will go. It my go to 100mhz FSB maybe not, but the higher voltage will not hurt the chip as long as it has good cooling. I am running a cel 667@1000 (1.95v) on my business computer with no problems at all. I use an alpha heatsink with no special case cooling. Sandra says my temp is 26c idle and 34c under sandra burn program after one hour. One thing about cel's you will no real quick if your chip will overclock or not. Only about 25% will do 100mhz. Good Luck.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Hey Silky, doesn't that depend on the speed class of the chip? I believe the overclockability of the Celeron2 566 was much higher than 25% while the 667 is about 25%. I don't know the figures but that's the idea I have got from the different hardware sites out there. I think the lower the multiplier (8.5x) on the 566 gives you a better chance at hitting 100 FSB than the higher (10x) on the 667. No? Of course lots of other things go into the mix, but you never know until you try - and like you said 'you will no real quick if your chip will overclock or not'.


Golden Member
Jul 7, 2000
I have tried 566, 600 , 633, 667 all I have tried (which has been dozens of each) average 25% making it to 100mhz. That is not to say that you could not get 5 cel2's from the same batch that would all make it to 100mhz. But over a period of time they have averaged that for me. By the way have never got a 667 to run at 1000, had to buy one from compuwiz1.


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2000
I have a Celeron 600 running rock solid at 900 MHz on a MSI-6309 board. I am using the following cooler:
GlobalWin FHP308 Socket 370/Socket A cooler $12.95 from Russ @ compucheap.com based on his recommendation.
It wouldn't post at 110 on the front side bus (had to try, that 990 would have been cool:p) but, 900 stable isn't bad at all for a $75 processor on a $85 motherboard. I did like the others suggested, just set the front side bus at 100, powered up and it has been rock solid. As mentioned by the others, running at 100 on the fsb guarantees you will have contented peripherals since the AGP and PCI busses are running at standard settings. Of course with the Via 694 chip set overclocking should still be a snap since it has the 1/4 PCI divider and the 1/2 AGP divider for those bus speeds over 110. My paritcular chip seems to max out at 900 and the MSI has no options available in the BIOS between 100 and 110. Other system specs are below. If you look at my other system, I am almost tempted to order a Celeron 633 and run it at 950 to replace the PIII 600E at 744. For some reason, my PIII 600 wouldn't run at 133 so 800 was unattainable. It topped out at 774 (129 fsb) and seems to like 124 better for stability.
Good Luck, Chuck


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2000
I have a Celeron 633mhz going at 950mhz in my secondary PC using the retail hs/fan (soon to be upgraded) with no problems

to do this I had to up the voltage from 1.65v (standard for that chip) to 1.75v.


Junior Member
Dec 26, 2000
My 2 kids have "hand me down" Cel 533s running at 880 on Abit BM6 boards and have been doing great for months. Make sure you have good quality memory and excellent cooling. I built mine with 3dfxcool.com lilmofo cooler. Cheap, effective and lifetime warranty.


Senior member
Nov 15, 2000
I have a celeron600@900 1.65v it does a gig but I dont know which thing in my system craps out when I do 3dmark2000. I would say its safe to run at 1.85 ONLY with a good heatsink like an ALpha pep66. Well thats my opinion for Cbo stepping. I think the Cco can be good up to 1.9-1.95 borderline


Senior member
Feb 28, 2000
my celeron 600 ($72) is running at 900 Mhz (100 FSB) with no problems. I am only using the retail HSF that came with the processor. I donno if I need a better cooler or not. I run it at 1.75 V (the default was 1.7V, cC0 stepping), using MSI 6905 on Tyan s1854 mobo.


Junior Member
Dec 2, 2000
I am running my 600 at 900 msi socklet..soyo 6ba+III mother bd...256 ram..stock fan 1.65v...runs at 38c will go to 990 but need to up voltage..and fan very happy where I am..running cool and fast for my games...have 256mx vidio bd...good luck with yours.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
gonna try my retail 600MHz right now on my BM6. OK, maybe I'll check the S/N against the database at overclockers.com first