oblivion question......pls help


Golden Member
Feb 21, 2006
is it just my card or does every1 experiences low frames when the rat is nearby or the flying demon with wings, fps just go in teens.

Oblivion specs:
1024x768 resolution
no tweaks
no shadows
medium viewing distance

1gb 667mhz ram
dual core 2.8ghz
160gb 7200rpm
19" lcd


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Is this an AMD dual core or a P4? And are you using the latest drivers for everything? Are you forcing any settings like AAA though the display control panel (CCC)? Try setting the grass distance slider about half way, it usually results in a noticeable speed improvement.


Golden Member
Nov 13, 2004
Give the Anandtech Oblivion CPU performance article a read, and you will see how badly a 2.8GHz P4 is affecting you.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2006
Hi, these are my PC specs. CAn you tell where the slow down is?

1gb 667mhz ram
dual core 2.8ghz
160gb 7200rpm
ATI Rage Pro 4MB
19" lcd



Platinum Member
Jan 31, 2006
Originally posted by: betasub
Uh, graphics card? This game requires serious graphics acceleration.
edit: nvm heh read it wrong :-( btw he said X1900XT... in the title


Golden Member
Feb 21, 2006
so are u guys saying that it is just my cpu and no one else is having any troubles with it?

its lagging not only when outdoors( which i know it lags for ever1 when outdoors) but also when rats or flying demons are nearby indoors.

wtf..and ya i do have a x1900xt
with chuk patch and 4xaa forced with hdr



Mar 30, 2006
4xAA with HDR is a bit of a killer, although no idea why it would be bad with rats or flying demon things, whatever they are. Imps? Does it slow down with people around, or just rats & imps?

You should be doing better than this really though. I've got all the settings cranked up with 4xAA (performance adaptive), and it's fine in most situations - can get low (18-20FPS) with massed ferns/trees/baddies etc, but I'm perfectly prepared to accept that as it's still perfectly playable. The only thing different is that I have a 4400+ X2 running at 2.53GHz, so it could be a CPU problem hindering you.

One way to find out would be to test playing at a lower resolution and turn AA and HDR off. If it doesn't speed up, then you're most likely looking at a CPU limitation.


Nov 21, 2005
6xAA+HDR works fine on my X1800XT, so it's not that. It's more likely the CPU since the game is very processor intensive, not to mention that a 2.8GHz Intel would be a massive bottleneck for an X1900XT.


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
The lower the resolution the more CPU bound you're going to get. At least this is what I've heard. So if you can go higher than 1280 X 768, I'd try that as it might take more of the work load out of the hands of the intel and place it in the x1900xtx. Also, those tweaks at the begining of that "Oblivion PC tweaks" thread aren't as good as the ones I found here

Extensive Oblivion Tweak

at least in my opinion anyway. Heck, it worked better for me so... Their performance tweaks are pretty close, but definately get the mods and install them since they give you a great deal more of visual quality at hardly the performance hit.


Golden Member
Feb 21, 2006
Originally posted by: josh6079
The lower the resolution the more CPU bound you're going to get. At least this is what I've heard. So if you can go higher than 1280 X 768, I'd try that as it might take more of the work load out of the hands of the intel and place it in the x1900xtx. Also, those tweaks at the begining of that "Oblivion PC tweaks" thread aren't as good as the ones I found here

Extensive Oblivion Tweak

at least in my opinion anyway. Heck, it worked better for me so... Their performance tweaks are pretty close, but definately get the mods and install them since they give you a great deal more of visual quality at hardly the performance hit.

thanks, i will try that, i did not know that at lower resolutions, cpu is a bottleneck, my lcd screen can go as high up as 1280x1024 so thats what i will be running it at now and also try the performance tweaks. will keep yu all aupdated.



Mar 30, 2006
Originally posted by: josh6079
The lower the resolution the more CPU bound you're going to get. At least this is what I've heard. So if you can go higher than 1280 X 768, I'd try that as it might take more of the work load out of the hands of the intel and place it in the x1900xtx.

If you're CPU-limited at 1024x768, you're not going to get any better frame rates by putting the resolution higher. All you're doing is putting more work onto the graphics card, without lowering the work the CPU needs to do. The game might look better, but it won't run any faster. This tells you nothing.

However, if you lower the resolution and take AA/AF/HDR out of the equation, then the graphics card is doing less, so you'd expect frame rates to go up if the problem was a graphics limitation. If frame rates go up with a lower resolution and less AA etc, then you know that you're GPU-limited. If they don't, then you've shown that it's presumably an issue with the CPU.

I'm not suggesting he actually play at a lower resolution, but testing this would show if it really is a CPU limitation or not.


Senior member
Mar 1, 2005
1280 x 1024 with 0aa x16 af HDR w/ FX60, a x1900xt struggles for 50fps outdoors in Oblivion.

The game is hog. There's nothing wrong with your system, although your processor could be faster.


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2006
Originally posted by: Barkotron
Originally posted by: josh6079
The lower the resolution the more CPU bound you're going to get. At least this is what I've heard. So if you can go higher than 1280 X 768, I'd try that as it might take more of the work load out of the hands of the intel and place it in the x1900xtx.

If you're CPU-limited at 1024x768, you're not going to get any better frame rates by putting the resolution higher. All you're doing is putting more work onto the graphics card, without lowering the work the CPU needs to do. The game might look better, but it won't run any faster. This tells you nothing.

However, if you lower the resolution and take AA/AF/HDR out of the equation, then the graphics card is doing less, so you'd expect frame rates to go up if the problem was a graphics limitation. If frame rates go up with a lower resolution and less AA etc, then you know that you're GPU-limited. If they don't, then you've shown that it's presumably an issue with the CPU.

I'm not suggesting he actually play at a lower resolution, but testing this would show if it really is a CPU limitation or not.

I guess you're right seeing as how no IQ and a lower resolution would put more work on the CPU.

What about keeping the IQ settings the same, and then lowering the resoltuion? That will definately tell you if it is the CPU since your GPU will still be performing at almost the same specs. Turning off the the IQ completely might lead your frames to only reflect the respected performance without IQ. You're wanting to see if it is your CPU. The intel is going to be a problem though no matter what since they communicate with memory in a less efficient way than AMD (except for that upcoming, kickass Conroe).