Oblivion instability.. crashing to desktop..??


Junior Member
Apr 25, 2006
just what i have discovered from my own experience..

i have two similar machines

abit ax8 mobo.. amd 64 3700.. ati x19000xtx.. 2 gig memory

abit ax8 mobo.. amd 64 3000.. ati c850 xtpe.. 1 gig memory..

both running windows xp pro..

the game behaves exactly the same on both machines..

its not affected or altered by hardware speeds in the slightest..

game settings dont affect or alter the problem..

it happens with onboard sound or soundcard..

i have found three basic crash to desktop situations..

the most common by far is when moving to a new map location.. passing thru a door or simply loading a game save.. instead of seeing the little loading screen i get instant desktop.. it seems to be worse in the country than in caverns or towns.. this could be pure coincidence thow..

the second incidence is when in third person view simple trotting thru the countyside on horse back.. every so often its instant desktop..

the third and the one that seems unconnected with the other two.. is a simple single animal sword slash.. as the sword comes down to mid screen its instant desktop.. this again seems to be a country side thing and dosnt happen often in towns..

overall the game seems less stable in the country side settings than anywhere else..

the time interval between crashes seems completely random.. two hours apart or it can happen again as soon i reload the game.. system reboots do not affect things..

the fact i have it happening exactly the same on two similar machines tells me for definite its a game problem.. whilst the game might play okay on some systems its quite clearly unstable on others.. mine being among the others..

my common denominators are.. abit via chipset mobo.. amd 64 bit cpu.. ati grfx card.. none exotic memory..

both my machines are well set up.. have all the latest drivers and handle all other recent games without a problem.. they are also pretty new..

i make this post to emphasis the fact that the problem is with the game itself and needs a fix or at least an admision and promise from besthesda..

as it is the game could be considered unplayable and not worth the money payed for it.. it needs fixing and fixing fast..

having said that.. i like the game and have managed to play it by regular use of the quick save function.. i shouldnt have to be doing this thow..




Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
Sounds like a possible heat issue. Have you experimented with the fan settings in ATI Tool? That stopped my CTD issues completely. I will still have an occasional crash on exiting the game though.


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2000
I believe there is another thread that mentioned that a patch is coming out. My system rarely gets crashes, but when I've gotten them, they've been during the load screens. In my many, many hours of play, I think it has crashed only twice during a load screen. I do get regular crashes upon exit though.


Junior Member
Apr 25, 2006
i know u mean well but i am trying to get away from a possible anything issues.. it is 100% a dodgy game issue.. take my word for it..

in truth i have experimented with pretty much everything to try and find a fix.. when i put together a similar machine last last week only to find exactly the same issues that tells me its definiely a game issue.. the only fix can come from bethesda..

its the two machine factor that make me so certain.. with one u never know.. with two u do..

folks looking for problems with their own machines just hides the real problem and culprits.. Bethesda.. he he he

its unstable and needs fixing.. thanks for the intended help thow..



Junior Member
Apr 25, 2006
i think we need to find out what systems it crashes on and what sytems it dosnt.. look for common denominators..

i have some.. abit mobos.. via chipsets.. ati cards.. amd cpus..



Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2000
Originally posted by: trog100
i think we need to find out what systems it crashes on and what sytems it dosnt.. look for common denominators..

i have some.. abit mobos.. via chipsets.. ati cards.. amd cpus..


I'm running an Athlon x2 4200+, ASRock 939SLI32-eSATA2 (ULi M1697 + M1695), 2GB Corsair DDR400, eVGA 7900GT CO Superclock, X-Fi music, Enerman Liberty 500w PSU. I rarely get crashes to the desktop, but I regularly get crashes upon exit.


Mar 9, 2006
I've never gotten a crash while playing, although I am only ~10 hours into it - I have left the game running all day just to see if it would remain stable considering all the reports of crashing and whatnot. No problems at all. Instead my problem is that my saved games will lock my entire computer requiring a hard reboot. I was seriously pissed off when after playing for the first time for several hours I came back to the game and tried to load my savegame and locked the computer up. After messing around with a LOT of different settings with no luck (including loading all the various saves and then rebooting) I finally decided to start over and see if it would happen again - of course as soon as I started a new game I realized I had not tried loading the saved game from within the actual Oblivion game (i.e. not from the Oblivion launcher) - it worked, so now whenever I want to load a saved game I have to create a new game first. Fortunately it doesn't really take that long and I have not had any other problems. I've run into a few other people who have had a similiar problem with saved games, I know for at least one of them loading the saved game after starting a new game has worked for them.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2005
So, will this one be locked too? Cause there's a sticky for questions like this.

As for your question, overclocking can lead to instablility (no matter how slight, sometimes thats what it is) and other than that, you might just have to wait for a patch.


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2000
I was experiencing, what sounds like, similar random crashing. I stumpled across a post in Bethesda's forum about old video codecs causing problems for some reason. After digging around a found list of installed codecs (audio and video) in the Sound Control panel. After removing some that appeared to be out of date I haven't had a single crash.

You might want to look into this.



Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
Originally posted by: trog100
i think we need to find out what systems it crashes on and what sytems it dosnt.. look for common denominators..

i have some.. abit mobos.. via chipsets.. ati cards.. amd cpus..


Have you read the Tweakguides Guide? It might help some.