Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Fear No Evil
Originally posted by: techs
Originally posted by: Fear No Evil
If only Bush had showed the same strength Obama has against NK, Iran, etc.
LOL.. riiight. NK is even more out of control under Obama.. Iran is fixing elections and threating to build Nukes under Obama.. Obama hasn't done a fucking thing to control these counties but hide in his corner hoping they go away. Meanwhile our journalists are being locked up in labor prisons in NK and Obama continues to do nothing.
Try getting your news from some place other than Faux News.
Obama has dismissed the Bush policy that assumed NK would give up its nuclear arms in exchange, for well, money.
Obama is moving to get a coalition of nations to actively isolate NK. Instead of Bushes pitiful claims of, we won! Obama is really doing something.
And as for Iran, last I looked under Bush his threats had rallied the Iranian people behind the mullahs and most reactionary elements of Iranian politics.
Now, Iranian moderates are in the streets demonstrating.
Unless you are so full of hate for Obama or so brainwashed by Fox, you should be thankful we have a smart and courageous President, instead of the moron Bush.