Obama to take another vacation next month...


Platinum Member
Aug 18, 2000

Fear No Evil

Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2008
Of course this is a dog and pony vacation to the Gulf Coast because people were criticizing him for not helping promote the areas affected by the spill.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2006
So... He doesn't get weekends off? Cause your link says he is going away for the weekend.


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Ooh my absolute favorite premise for a brain dead partisan internet forum thread. It's another "Look, the President [who I politically oppose] is Taking Another Vacation" thread!

The libs used to do this all the time with Bush on the ranch. Ah, the good old days.

- wolf


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Partisan hacks: Obama won't go to the Gulf! Rabble!!

Obama: I'm going to the Gulf.

Partisan hacks: Obama is going to the Gulf! Rabble rabble!!!!


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2005
So... He doesn't get weekends off? Cause your link says he is going away for the weekend.

I fully agree that he should be allowed to take vacations. I also believe that the President's job is 24/7.

I am sure that if something really bad came up he could be reached at any given time, any where.


May 1, 2006
Ooh my absolute favorite premise for a brain dead partisan internet forum thread. It's another "Look, the President [who I politically oppose] is Taking Another Vacation" thread!

The libs used to do this all the time with Bush on the ranch. Ah, the good old days.

- wolf

Wolfe, for a hundred different posts or more, I've meant to tell you, to help you, a problem you have, the 'moderate fallacy'.

*Everything* for you has to have a left and right you're between. If the Dems were for giving babies milk, and Republicans were for giving them mercury to drink, you would not be able to say that 'Dems are right'. It would *have* to be some form of both are two extremes and both wrong and you are right between them somewhere.

Hopefully, you can consider the message.

In this case, ya, Dems did that - but if what I saw is correct, he also *set records on the amount of vacation taken*, a relevant fact you did not mention (or know presumably).

Whenever I see your posts, that have many good qualities, I look for the 'left and right are both wrong' framing you do the way fish swim in water. It's generally there, it seems.

Your larger point is right, both parties regularly complain about the other party's President's vacation. Your moderate fallacy at Dems under Bush is not.

The Dems might be right, the Repubs might be right, both might be right, both might be wrong, one might be more but not completely right - it's not always the moderate mantra.
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Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Wolfe, for a hundred different posts or more, I've meant to tell you, to help you, a problem you have, the 'moderate fallacy'.

*Everything* for you has to have a left and right you're between. If the Dems were for giving babies milk, and Republicans were for giving them mercury to drink, you would not be able to say that 'Dems are right'. It would *have* to be some form of both are two extremes and both wrong and you are right between them somewhere.

Hopefully, you can consider the message.

In this case, ya, Dems did that - but if what I saw is correct, he also *set records on the amount of vacation taken*, a relevant fact you did not mention (or know presumably).

Whenever I see your posts, that have many good qualities, I look for the 'left and right are both wrong' framing you do the way fish swim in water. It's generally there, it seems.

Your larger point is right, both parties regularly complain about the other party's President's vacation. Your moderate fallacy at Dems under Bush is not.

The Dems might be right, the Repubs might be right, both might be right, both might be wrong, one might be more but not completely right - it's not always the moderate mantra.
Craig, for a hundred different posts or more, I've meant to tell you, to help you, a problem you have, you're an idiot.

Both are bought and sold. They don't even get to the trough w/o being co-opted.

The Democrats and Republicans have to support war and the police state if they want funding from the military/security complex. Democrats and Republicans have to make the health care bill and part D into a subsidy for private insurance if they want funding from the insurance companies. Democrats and Republicans have to abandon the American people for the rich banksters if they want funding from the financial lobby. Democrats and Republicans take "vacations" to plan out next fuck job behind closed doors.


Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2008
So... He doesn't get weekends off? Cause your link says he is going away for the weekend.

He's the fucking president, not your local 9-5 dayjob worker. His job doesn't end until he is out of office. Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Retard, Genius. I don't give a fuck what you are, if the country has as many problems as it does now, you work your ass off to fix it and stop golfing every chance you get.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
The President is on vacation? Holy crap! Who's going to sign the SS checks, invade somewhere, balance the economy, hold up the sun, keep the moon in phase?

It pleased me to no end when Bush went on vacation. Given that Obama has presided as center-right/right him going on vacation doesn't leave me too sad either.


Feb 3, 2007
I fully agree that he should be allowed to take vacations. I also believe that the President's job is 24/7.

I am sure that if something really bad came up he could be reached at any given time, any where.

pretty much this. i don't care if the guy sits on a tropical island for his entire term as long as he's on call 24/7


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2005
Wolfe, for a hundred different posts or more, I've meant to tell you, to help you, a problem you have, the 'moderate fallacy'.

*Everything* for you has to have a left and right you're between. If the Dems were for giving babies milk, and Republicans were for giving them mercury to drink, you would not be able to say that 'Dems are right'. It would *have* to be some form of both are two extremes and both wrong and you are right between them somewhere.

Hopefully, you can consider the message.

In this case, ya, Dems did that - but if what I saw is correct, he also *set records on the amount of vacation taken*, a relevant fact you did not mention (or know presumably).

Whenever I see your posts, that have many good qualities, I look for the 'left and right are both wrong' framing you do the way fish swim in water. It's generally there, it seems.

Your larger point is right, both parties regularly complain about the other party's President's vacation. Your moderate fallacy at Dems under Bush is not.

The Dems might be right, the Repubs might be right, both might be right, both might be wrong, one might be more but not completely right - it's not always the moderate mantra.

I call things as I see them. Sometimes it comes across as "left and right are both wrong" while sometimes I come out on the right, and sometimes (more often, actually) on the left. It is, in this case, my considered opinion, that complaining about Presidential vacations is ludicrous. Are you seriously going to claim that you don't see a pattern in it? That it's always the libs complaining about republican POTUSES and the conservatives complaining about dem POTUSES? Get real.

Presidential "vacations" are a total fallacy because Presidents work constantly while on "vacation," and furthmore, they tend to work 7 days a week, 15-16 hours per day when not "on vacation." We don't know how much of Bush's time "on the ranch" was actually work time.

My thought about presidential vacations is, yes, they should be FORCED to take several of them. Go and play with your kids, have relations with your wife, eat, drink and be merry, then come back in a sane frame of mind to do your job. Begrudging presidents their (largely faux) vacations, for partisan reasons, is contemptuous at best.

The whole issue is beneath intelligent discussion.

- wolf
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Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
I'm confused. So Presidents don't get vacation time or weekends?

Nope. Some in these forums even claim Obama going to sleep is a broken promise. He must. not. rest! EVER!!!!

(Of course politicians leave themselves wide open to petty nitpicking with their silly "I will not rest until X" hyperbole.)
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Dec 27, 2001
Nope. Some in these forums even claim Obama going to sleep is a broken promise. He must. not. rest! EVER!!!!

(Of course politicians leave themselves wide open to petty nitpicking with their silly "I will not rest until X" hyperbole.)

My original questions remain.

Are we paying for this?
How much vacation time is allowed?
Isn't 4 vacations in 90 days a bit much?

If #1 is no, then I really don't care about the other two.


Nov 11, 1999
My original questions remain.

Are we paying for this?
How much vacation time is allowed?
Isn't 4 vacations in 90 days a bit much?

If #1 is no, then I really don't care about the other two.

I dunno... call me when he catches up with GWB, OK?

I doubt that any president since Eisenhower has been on a real vacation, anywhere. It's not they can go to the cabin, where's there's no phone, no TV, no newspaper, no distractions from fishin'...

That's a vacation...