- Dec 27, 2001
- 47,351
- 14
- 61
Looks like he needed a bigger stick
Looks like he needed a bigger stick
Obama? This story is about the POTUS's car....
Maybe he had too many Republicans in the back?
Or, a more realistic explaination, he had too many telecom, banking, and oil lobbyists in the back.
Why Cadillac? Audi A8 or BMW 7 series would suffice..
Too much weight, not enough suspension.
They should get a low rider to look into that. It'd make for good publicity with the Latino community too. Just imagine the president's limo bouncing down the street!
But then the libs would scream about seperation of Church and State. If you have the low riders work on this, you'll end up with a mural of the Virgin Mary on the hood.
Combined with a long wheel base.Too much weight, not enough suspension.
Too much weight, not enough suspension.
Maybe they'd settle for some flames and a pair of fuzzy dice.
Probably 'angry badgers'...
Damn that was a loud sound. What's that thing made of, adamantium?
Reminds me of those jackasses in lowed civic's that have to slow to a crawl and go over a speed bump at an angle one wheel at a time so they don't high center.