NZXT Alpha


Junior Member
May 11, 2008
If any of you remember, a bit ago i was searching for a sleek and sexy case and had it down to the NZXT Trinity and the NZXT Alpha. Well, Newegg deactivated the Trinity, so I'm more than likely going to get the Alpha, which is good i guess because it looks good without needing a bay door. But here are some questions about it.

-Anybody, first off, own this case and could tell me anything that you would only know by owning the case?

-Since this one doesn't have a fan controller, anybody know of a decent fan controller, nothing too expensive, with an lcd screen and overall something that would match the case?

-It seems like this case uses screw-in expansion slot covers, is this too much of a hassle or anything?

-Is there enough headroom for a Thermaltake MaxOrb CPU cooler? I heard there were some issues with the side window fan touching larger CPU coolers so i would like come confirmation on that.

-What's the deal with the stealthed CD drive covers, are those hard to get working?

-Any other case similar to this that you might recommend? <-Here's the product page on newegg.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2004
Sorry for grave digging, but I am wondering about this as well. For what it's worth, I went through the egg reviews and some notable complaints include short LED longevity, lack of the side panel in the package and hissing front audio port. Even then, they commended the case for good looks and the gloss finish. One reviewer claimed this is nearly the same thing as CM Centurion, wonder if there is any truth to it?

The only concerns I have for the case is noise level and spaciousness for a CF configuration. Price seems to be right at $49.99 AR, granted that you get that rebate. Either this or CM690, choices choices :)

EDIT: since I am getting some other stuff from superbiz, I could prolly get a CM690 for about $104 shipped effectively, vs NZXT alpha for $80 if the rebate comes. CM looks like a better deal on paper, now I will have to see if alpha meets the requirements and decide if its looks feel better to me. Or better yet I could convince one of my friends to take me to the local microcenter branch, only $75 that way...