NZ Man Turns to 'Human Balloon' After Falling on Air Hose

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Aug 4, 2007

WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND – A truck driver from New Zealand said he felt “like a pork roast” as
a compressed air hose pierced his buttock, forcing air into his body at 100 pounds a square inch.
Steven McCormack was standing on his truck’s foot plate Saturday when he slipped and fell.
The air hose broke off the air reservoir that powered the truck’s brakes, and when McCormack fell
onto it, it began pumping air into his body.
He said he had no choice but to lie on the ground, “blowing up like a balloon.”
McCormack’s co-workers heard his screams and came over to him. One of them quickly released the
safety valve to stop the air flow.
"I felt the air rush into my body, and I felt like it was going to explode from my foot," he told local
media from his hospital bed in the town of Whakatane, on North Island's east coast. "I was blowing
up like a football."
McCormack was rushed to the hospital with body swelling and fluid in his lung. Doctors said the air
had separated the fat from muscle in his body – he was lucky it had not entered his bloodstream.
The 48-year-old said he felt like a ‘pork roast’ because his skin was crackling on the outside, but soft
on the inside.
The Associated Press contributed to this article.

wtf. pierced his buttocks? that mustve hurt
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